Off course many things have changed. But its worse, many things will change.
Lets see for how long wearing mask in public will be recommended. Or how much of the actual chinese control measures will our governs adopt, control measures that we find today totally ridiculous, such a QR scan to get permission to enter a mall.
As this bug may be hidden almost in anything, anyplace, the 2 most important thins to have in mind are (for me):
-Respect security distance when being in public (shopping, gas station,...)
-Do not touching your face. This is the hardest one.
Not much people think about the risk of pushing a shopping cart... but, do you realize that even if you wear globes, virus can get into the globe surface instead your hand? I see many people removing their globes touching them with bare hands and then getting into their cars, touching their children faces... or their own faces. If we cant control these little details, that little critic actions, do not bother to wear a mask or globes.
Also a regular enthusiast hand wash will help.
mm.. yeah im totally off topic xD sorry. My minds drifting again.
Stay safe. Cheers from a random quarantined spaniard