While all this talk is happening and the false theory of ecigs being a gateway to smoking for YOUNG CHILDREN, lets take a look at all the other things that are possible gateways or things that should be banned because... well they just lead people into doing incredibly stupid.... bad things.
And the final thought
The latest fear-mongering story being shared with parents comes from Boston – if you have kids or plan to have kids or are short enough to be mistaken for a kid, you better sit down. Kids are snorting Smarties. You know those rolls of little candies you get on Halloween? Yeah, those. And it gets worse. Portsmouth Middle School needs you to know that all this Smarties snorting may lead to nasal maggots.
You may recall the trend of butt chugging and/or the use of vodka tampons from not too long ago, which the media assures us is real and, even after Snopes disproved vodka tampons, some media sources got quotes from medical professionals and law enforcement assuring us they were real, despite how it’s literally impossible to get drunk from using tampons soaked in vodka unless you somehow avoid the terrible burn and stuff yourself with maybe 4 dozen of them.
A few years ago, police in San Luis Obispo contacted the media to warn parents about Pedobear and how he’s associated with pedophiles and how you need to stay away from him and his lecherous ways. They did this in all seriousness.
CBS warned us of the dangerous Japanese trend of eyeball licking and how it’s lead to an outbreak of pink eye. There were numerous clips of it on Youtube proving it was a dangerous trend, of course. Look for any stories about kids seeing doctors for serious eye-licking issues and you’ll find as many stories as you’ll find about nasal maggots.
What else has Youtube forced our kids to do? In 2010 it was sack tapping, the terrible trend of kids slapping or punching each other in the nuts. Because kids are that dumb. There was also the scourge of The Choking Game. Look it up and you'll see stories in Salon and other magazines about real deaths caused by this menace. Of course, the CDC says there were 82 deaths related to this particular epidemic from 1995 to 2007, and a survery of 5400 kids indicated only 6% had ever tried, menaing 94% had not, but all it takes is one story for hte media to make it a terrible trend, then share it with others.
And the final thought
Next week you may hear that kids are whistling up each other’s asses. Or maybe gerbilling will make a comeback, depends on how slow the news is that day.