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this is interesting daily fail researched

so much bad press about vaping but what is the real truth ???

What a load of utter fake bs. The media sickens me mate.
We get bs vape stuff in the news on TV every week.
This is about something different but shows how fake and stacked the media is about things.
One major news site here that allows comments on articles.
A very public high profile ped was being supported by one here.
I posted my thoughts and links to proofs on his filth. I have been permanently forever banned, cancelled. If you went to this site all you would see is sympathy and support for him and ZERO for the victims.
Another, just yesterday I let it be known some facts about a criminal in Parliament and a sicko. Again banned and cancelled. The media is fake.
so much bad press about vaping but what is the real truth ???

It’s worrying. But probably not as worrying as the fact so many people actually read such dreadful rags. And, often, don’t seem to have the intellectual capacity to deal with their lies.

all red tops have only even been good for toilet paper. But now, they’re no use even for that.
sadly ‘redtopitus’ has spread to many of those rags that used to be called broadsheets.
Misrepresentation of facts, distortions, omissions, elisions and even plain lies. It's not confined to vaping stories I don't think. If they can find a justification to print it, and it will rile people up, it's a great story as far as they're concerned.

The older I get, the more I see the media's complicity in all kinds of bad shit. They never cause it directly but they amplify it, twist it, and blow things out of all proportion to get a reaction.

Then they're like "Who, us? We don't do anything we just report what we see."
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The top and bottom of it is that not enough research has been carried out, and why? because the large companies who have the money and facilities to carry out such research can see little if any chance of a return on their investment.
The top and bottom of it is that not enough research has been carried out, and why? because the large companies who have the money and facilities to carry out such research can see little if any chance of a return on their investment.
I’d counter, that NHS U.K. and health U.K. are both doing all the research necessary.
If you bring private companies in, to do any work, it will distort results. It has to, as the imperatives of public services and the private sectors are diametrically opposed.

and that’s ignoring the fact that, real time medical results, always trump research. Simply because it’s real and not theoretical.
The real time medical results were not timely enough to prevent the garbage produced in the OP.

Your last sentence makes no sense, how is research theoretical?
The real time medical results were not timely enough to prevent the garbage produced in the OP.

Your last sentence makes no sense, how is research theoretical?
Its results a theoretical. They are, effectively, educated guesses.
You can only get real data from humans. That means you have to wait, as the data comes in.
As I say, only long term real time patient data can actually say if vaping is a long term health hazard, like smoking, or not.
You can pour money into private pockets. But you’d be far better off spending the money on paying, properly, the NHS staff. who, after all, are the only real researchers in this.

It’s always always healthcare professionals, not academic researchers, who alert the world to the potential problems cause by any aspect of our modern lives.
After that. The researchers take their data and look for physical evidence either way.
The guys who discovered the covid vaccine may have been doctors in their field though not necessarily healthcare professionals, and they didn`t do too badly.
The guys who discovered the covid vaccine may have been doctors in their field though not necessarily healthcare professionals, and they didn`t do too badly.
Oh dear, oh dear.
It was doctors in China that first gave the warning. it was also doctors, not researchers, that spotted its world wide spread.
Nobody, with the exception of weapons researchers, were even looking at covid 19.
We’ll not mention that looking for a vaccine to a virus, isn’t remotely like judging the possibility of long term harm, caused by environmental or recreational activities.
They are both extraordinary difficult. But you can accelerate vaccine research.
The fact a virus has a short life cycle means you can observe many generations in a few weeks. Just a few generations, of humans, is 100 years or more. So there’s no acceleration possible.

Finally it was NHS research and expertise that was freely given to the makers of the Oxford vaccine, that made it possible at all.
It was, in the end, a partnership.
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