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This is interesting steeping fact


Sep 2, 2014
Hi peeps, been making own juice for over a year now, and always seem to go back to red Astaire every now and again to cleanse the pallet. I have used cheap aldi ultrasonic to steep and results are always cloudy juice, so after last ultrasonic lasted about 2 hours in total ( cheap electronics and vibration don't go well ). I bit the bullet and bought a heated ultrasonic, set it at 40 degrees and after 10 minutes it was clear as stuff you buy, did another 3 cycles so from making to Vaping 30 minutes and it's as good as ever, got a custard still in ultrasonic for the missus, will let you know how that turns out tomorrow when she finishes work, to wrap it up seems temp in steeping makes a hell of a difference.
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Indeed it can, too much heat though can degrade it although you should be ok at that temp. Best way is to mature in the ultrasonic then add your nic afterwards to eliminate any possible degradation.
I've got the Aldi one and it works just fine.
I think the cloudiness you're referring to is tiny bubbles caused by the agitation rather than an actual opaqueness. Goes clear again once it's out the ultrasonic.
Thanks :-) The JPL one isn't too pricy but it doesn't seem to be heated in any of the descriptions. I suppose it could just be filled with warm water anyway.
Thanks :-) The JPL one isn't too pricy but it doesn't seem to be heated in any of the descriptions. I suppose it could just be filled with warm water anyway.

the water does heat up in these mate gets pretty warm infact, they aren't heated but the constant vibration warms it up. its quite surprising how warm they get actually. ive not measured the temp maybe I should some time just out of curiosity.
Interesting. That's good to know, thanks. I much prefer the price of those than the more industrial looking ones at twice the price lol. My vaping shopping list just keeps getting longer....
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