Welcome mattj07. Excellent introductory post and so sorry to hear of your grandad's diagnosis.
I have no problem at all with your decision to take up vaping and hope in the future more people will choose to take up vaping instead of smoking. Yes for sure doing neither is the healthiest option but if your going to do one or the other for whatever reason, yours is plainly obvious and completely understandable, vaping would have to be the better of the two. If we want vaping to continue long into the future as a better alternative to smoking we are going to have to accept that none smokers will take up vaping, perhaps we'd be better off viewing them as potential smokers rather than none smokers. You seem to have come across vaping right at the right time and you shouldn't have to feel the need to continue to smoke for a number of years before you've earnt the right to vape, how could that possibly be the right thing to do? Look forward to seeing you around.
I think looking at 'non smokers' vaping as potential smokers is a great way of looking at it. I'd never try telling someone that didn't smoke at all to take up vaping but would certainly not judge them if they made that decision on their own terms.
Thanks for the reply anyway and look forward to seeing you around too
Do what you like
I have a 30w mini and got a subtank mini to get into building. It's ace but I want more. You always want more![]()
Within weeks I have a mech mod on order and have had to learn some serious shit about electricity. Still learning.
The way I see it...as long as I have a good knowledge of this craft before the Tax Tsunami comes along i'm in good standing![]()
And this forum is fantastic! I joined recently and have gained serious knowledge and laughed my ass off![]()
I was tempted by a sub tank and in hindsight it probably would of been a beeter tank for the Sigelei but I may pick one up one over the next few months to have a play with. I too have been looking into mechs and rda's and having tried a few whilst sampling liquids can say the desire to own a good setup is immense haha I've learnt a lot about safety and building from the likes of this site and various videos and feel more inclined to branch out into rda's.
Thanks for the welcome
Welcome mattj07 if you have ever smoked more than 10 cigs in your life you are for some surveys etc classed as a smoker.. there are quite a lot of part time social smokers taking up vaping instead.. and this can only be a good thing
Agree fully that part time smokers taking up vaping has to be better. I'm glad I made the switch as soon as I did