So, the NiFe30 wire arrived at lunchtime.
I built a 7/8 wrap, 29awg, 2.5mm spaced coil for the Kayfun Prime which ohmed out at 0.34 ohms.
Dry pulsed the coil to check for hotspots and get rid of any possible oil etc.
Set up the Dicodes dani mini for TC at 30w, 430F
Wicked, primed and filled the rta.
Vaped for the first time ever in TC !
Verdict: Absolutely great. I got the vape temperature I like instantly and then the smoothest, consistant vape I have ever had without having to ease off because the vape got too hot like it does with Power mode.
I can't say I have noticed any difference in flavour but it will be interesting to see if my vape loses flavour after 4mls like it usually does with power mode and if there will be any significant increase in battery life.
Whether or not this is all a case of first time lucky, I don't know, but if not, I think I will be sticking with TC .