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Thought we was passed this shit!

As an avid Sun Reader I would just like to say that I agree! These vape things are bad for the heart, and the six pasties and four bottles of coke I've had this morning are doing me good. Anyway, must dash! Have to mog into town on my NHS obesycle, buy more pies and fags, and then nip into the doctors so's the nurse can treat the friction sores on my inner thighs.
Haven't even looked at the Scum since their reports on the Hillsboro' disaster.
Fuck'n arss wipes.
This is one huge conspiracy... The tobacco companies profits have been sliced by the vaping ninja and the only way they know how to fight is to scratch and pull hair.

Vaping does have negative effects, but they are incomparable too cigarettes.
You would probably be surprised that how little tobacco companies and shop owners make in regards to the sale of 1 packet of cigarettes but the government on the other hand makes a hell of a lot of money so although i know for a fact that there is no corruption in british politics because i read it in a newspaper someone somewhere must have a gripe about people quitting cigs
I think its disgusting.

Some smokers will read this & because of it not try vaping to quit.

Could this be considered indirect manslaughter??
FFS yesterday I was sitting in the doctor's waiting room and some old fella sat down next to me - he reeked of stale tobacco, it passed thru my mind that I must have smelled like that at one time, and as I was sitting there musing on how nice it was not to smell like an ashtray the guy prods me with the rolled up copy of the Sun he was holding in his (nicotine stained!) fingers and indicated the Aspire K4 I had hanging round my neck on a lanyard. Once he had my attention he then proceeded to inform me how 'those things' were worse than cigarettes while brandishing his shitty rag of a tabloid at me :12: All I could say was 'well if the Sun says so it *must* be true' and then went to find somewhere else to sit....wish I coulda thought of a more intelligent and informed comeback but tbh I was so damn astounded!
I seriously don't believe this. What a dumb, uninformed piece of shit. I will NEVER buy the Sun anymore (not that I did in the first place), but that's it. I'm done.
Only 2 words in that article actually matter. Could be. That's not evidence, it's opinion. You 'could' jump out of a plane and walk away from it but evidence proves it's not too likely.
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