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Thought we was passed this shit!

ive had 8 people comment in the last 3 days. all smokers.
the usual bollox of i hope your going to give them up now as they are dangerous.
did you read the reports.them things are dangerous. this is a smoking shelter only.
trying to explain to these dumbfucks is like talking to a moist sponge.
so monday instead of the istick40 and subtank mini the priv and tfv8 will be touring the smoking shelter.

I seem to have a bad habit of accidently cranking my rx200 to about 150w while they blabber on. Then leave em in a cloud.
i had one colleague tell me that I'm still a smoker, despite not having smoked for over 5 months. She'd read the article. People will believe what they want to believe, you can state the facts to them until you're blue in the face, but some people are just stupid or ignorant, or both. This sort of sensationalism in the media just stokes the fire...
it was memorable :D
some of the faces were a picture but the coments this time was that smells nice.
i didnt push it too much as the smoking shelter is on the ring road of the hospital and patients about.
still much prefer the istick40 and subtank mini for my daily custards.
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