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Told "you can't smoke that in here sir" in Tesco today

I doubt whether vaping will ever become acceptable in public indoor spaces. The smoking laws have been in force for a long time now and although you don't see No Vaping notices inside buildings, you just have to treat vaping as smoking.

When I enter my local Vape Store, to buy more juice, usually on a Saturday, it's like entering Dantes Inferno, as the whole shop is engulfed in vapour clouds. Can you imagine going into Costa Coffe and seeing people vaping, the place would no doubt be like the Vape Store. People would complain, like they would if people were smoking.

It is a matter of using common sense and wait until you are in open spaces before chugging on your vapes. As a matter of interest on this subject, P&O Cruises do have a policy on board their ships, regarding vaping.

Vaping is allowed inside your cabin and on cabin balconies. Vaping on open decks is only allowed in areas designated for smoking cigarettes & tobacco, where ashtrays are provided. Vaping is not permitted in all public inside spaces, including corridors on all decks.

So vaping is still treated as smoking, with the exception that you can use them in all private cabins. This is because they are not classed as a fire risk. Regarding cigarettes, when smoking on designated open deck areas, you are requested to put out your cigarettes in the provided ash bins and not to throw your cigarettes over the side of the ship. This states that the wind could blow any discarded cigarette ends into ventilation opening, thus causing a fire.

I think before too long, we are going to see notices requesting that you refrain from using vaping defices inside all public spaces, on public transport and other places where smoking is not allowed. Personally I treat my vaping as I would if I was still smoking and only vape outside. It is just a matter of considering others, who do not or have never smoked.
The correct answer that particular facist would have been

"I'm allowed to appropriately put it away in my pocket though aren't I which is what I was doing wasn't it, so go away and let me shop in peace"

I hate these cnuts
I tend not to vape in places like supermarkets or closed in areas-to other people who don't understand, it IS a cigarette-after all, we are a pretty niche group who collect mods to use-the majority I see are using an Ego and a Ce4 or 5.

Although, I DO see those people using the devices in stores-with no problem.

If I am honest, I think it depends on the person. A 6ft 4 bodybuilder with a deep scar running across his face and a tattoo on his forehead is very unlikely to be stopped lol (Not a dig at bodybuilders-I know a few and the majority are giants that are pretty gentle).

But, as a general rule, I only use it outside. Even in the street I make sure I don't blow vapour peoples way-as I have had the wind carry it into someones face before for them to complain about the 'smoke', once I explained how it worked and it was not smoke, we left on a friendly goodbye.

I think as vapers, we need to set a good example-there is enough against us already.
As an ex smoker I am already conditioned not to emit any smoke or vapour in public places.

I don't even vape in the house.
I don't even vape in the house.

I do, I vape like a madman in my house as my mother and her partner are staying with me for a month, and it keeps the chunts out of my living room!

It's quite funny, if they see clouds in the air they both start coughing up their lungs (even though my mother is a 40 a day smoker) but if they don't see the clouds neither seems to have a reaction. I think this is the same psychological reaction others are seeing, the fact it's more visible makes people think it's worse than it is.
I couldn't imagine not being able to relax and vape. I think that is the thing, i smoked for 6 years and it was reare for me to actually sit and enjoy that smoke. chances are you coudn't smoke inside someone's house, wouldn't smoke inside my own house and elsewhere you are stood up. so that ciggie was never a relaxation tool, but a habit one.

Fast forward to vaping and i can sit on the couch and vape away. My other half is fine with it (unless she can smell honey) and she knows im not blowing in her or around the kids, blowing away from them. Hell even when my lad is jumping aboiut and smelling it, i tell him off and my missus is like 'but there's no nicotine in it is there?'

So yeah, vaping has allowed me to just enjoy myself with it rather than go through a massive effort all the time.
It's not nicotine you need to worry about when vaping around others, because it would not cause any problems to anyone. It's the fact that there is no tar or any other obnoxious chemicals contained in the vape juices, except glycerine, vegetable oils, fruit flavourings and minute amounts of nicotine, that is found in most vegetables anyway. Vapour clouds (not smoke) won't do anybody any harm. Most people who do not smoke or who have never smoked, are ignorant of the fact that vapor clouds from these devices, contain no harmful polutants.

It will be a long time before everyone realises that vaping is not actual smoking and that they are a user friendly way of enjoying the pleasure of smoking, without causing any harm whatsoever to others around you. Until then, just treat them as a normal cigarette, don't use them in confined spaces and only use them in the open or inside your own home, if you want to.
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