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Told "you can't smoke that in here sir" in Tesco today

It's great. I can vape in the house, on the bog, or in bed, as and when. When I smoked I used to have to go and sit in the shed which wasn't much fun in winter
It's not nicotine you need to worry about when vaping around others, because it would not cause any problems to anyone. It's the fact that there is no tar or any other obnoxious chemicals contained in the vape juices, except glycerine, vegetable oils, fruit flavourings and minute amounts of nicotine, that is found in most vegetables anyway. Vapour clouds (not smoke) won't do anybody any harm. Most people who do not smoke or who have never smoked, are ignorant of the fact that vapor clouds from these devices, contain no harmful polutants.


fact? now i love vaping as much as the next man but to say its a fact that its harmless is imo total bollocks. very little of the stuff we breath in is harmless.

i vape that dont mean i need to be inconsiderate of people that dont. fucking hell if i cant walk around a supermarket without having a vape then im really bolloxed.
Do you folks know you can vape anywhere you like in Heathrow Airport T4? That's a fact and has been that way since Oct 2013! It may well be the same for the rest of Heathrow but not 100% on that.
I do love the fact I can vape at home now without stinking the place with fag smoke and don;t have to go out the back in the wet and wind any more.
On the subject of supermarkets though, I'd never vape in there although in the likes of Tesco and Asda with tons of roof space and air in there it wouldn't be a problem, some old biddies stopping randomly would probably cause me to knock my teeth out with the mouthpiece if I tried to vape while walking! :-D
I shouldn't be wanking into the pots of humous?

News to me.

I was about to knock one out too but then realised I was standing next to the humousexual pots and quickly moved to the chilli & red onion ones.
I vape in Tescos Hodge Hill store (Birmingham) they never say a thing. I always vape whilst shopping in there. The only thing mentioned was a previous security guard said his vape chucked too much clouds so to lower it and it's fine by his line manager. He said it was fine to vape in there. However I was vaping in there well before he stated this too me.

Staff all watch me chucking clouds like a pro and say nothing. If anything I have been challenged on what my gear is and where to buy it because it looks 'Sick' according to one worker!

The way I see it is try to be considerate around others especially in crowded places however the smoking ban only applied to cigarettes and tobacco smoking. The law clearly and still does state as long as it does not have more than 3 wall and a roof. In other words if it was an indoor space or a space with more than 3 walls such as 4 then it would be illegal if it had a roof or not. If it was 3 walls and a roof with one wall missing to a clear space then it's legal.

If they display no signs of no vaping restrictions then I just vape until told otherwise. If I am told then politely explain that there is no warnings not to and it is legal indoors unless sign posted or noted in way of warning signs otherwise. Then apologize and note for future reference. I don't bother asking them first as it is legal and I wouldn't ask permission to have a fag outside. What next asking for help to the toilet?

Unless stated otherwise in ways of sign or after vaping verbally then it is not an offence or disallowed in anyway legally.

I have vaped all over in hospitals, taxis, the police, local businesses, out walking, on buses, pubs, nightclubs, clothing shops, argos, pets at home, poundland, matalan, chip shops, restaurants, cinemas and anywhere I want unless stated not too.

I see nothing wrong in what I do and it's legal. If they want me to stop then they can ask me too and I will. Other than this perfectly legal!
That's a good point Zombiejuice. There is no law regarding the use of e-cigs, vapour devices in public places, so using them is not breaking the law. But you will always get people that will complain if they see someone using them, because they think it is still smoking. Until the law bans the use of these devices and notices are displayed in buildings that the use of these are prohibited, then I don't see any reason to refrain from using them. I use mine inside shopping malls, but don't usually use it when inside stores or shops, or even cafes like Costa, or anywhere were food is being served. I just use my own judgement as to whether I should use mine or not.
Whilst I totally get what your both saying @puff dragon & @zombiejuice, my own personal view is that I only vape where I used to smoke.

I think that by vaping "just because there's no law against it" could harm our cause....the public is ignorant to the facts regarding vaping, and 'could' see This as us taking the piss..

We all know the benefits, however, the majority don't.....

I'm not about to say that what your doing is wrong....I just think that we need to be mindful of what we're doing
I agree with @MrTeaTime, I think the attitude which you take is going to give vaping a bad name and get people's backs up. I understand it's not illegal but as a lot of things I believe there is a time and place. Just my opinion
Witt15 & Mr Teatime, I go along with what you say and I don't use my vapour pen in all public places just because there are no notices saying I can't. I use my discretion when inside shopping malls. If it is busy, like on a Saturday, then I don't use it, only when it is not so crowded and don't walk around puffing away continually. I just have the occasional puff when I feel I need to. I use it mainly outside where it won't cause any discomfort to non smokers. All I was trying to say in my previous post, that using vaping pens is not banned from indoor places. It's a matter of courtesy not to use them in covered spaces, especially where there are lots of people.
Vaping is fucked regardless of what, how or where people do what they do. You could be blowing clouds in a children's cancer ward at teatime, live on television, while punching a nun in the tits and it wouldn't make one iota of difference to the plans for TPD implementation.

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