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Top airflow rta recommendations?

Zeus X seems good to me, I haven't tried any other top air flow tanks though. Slightly less dense clouds than a good bottom air flow but it's been leak free and a good vape imo. Long old wicks though lol
I have the Zeus Dual and it is a nice tank easy to build but a pain to get right. It either spits or has no flavour :) . Get it right and it is good.
Has your mod got a cape ? Or is it some weird hand cape
My topside came with a cleaning cloth. I swed a magnet into a corner since theres a magnet on it. I heard some like to drape it over when not in use... i figured make it magnetic. So yeah.... i guess it is a cape. I was thinking abiut having a cuatom wrap made with Squanchy on it.... so it kimda makes sense. I named my squonk squanchy.
My everyday setup, not so fancy as X :18:
(oh Lord, my recents posts are all about this RTA, this is not an ad)

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