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Totally Wicked Tornado RCS mini


Jul 26, 2013
Picked up one of these from totally wicked
It was £12 which included 3 spare atty heads

It appears to be totally wickeds take on the mini pprotank
its made entirely of plastic which instantly gave quite a cheap feeling to it.
however despite the plasticy feel it looks quite nice
It has a changeable 510 standard drip tip which is nice
its bottom coil similar to an evod and pro tank however instead of screw in coils they are push fit.

started off with a 1.8ohm coil filled her up with snake oil
initial thoughts are plumes of vapour and decent flavour a very cool vvape after 4-5 days of use however I started getting a burnt taste and I thought there's no way I've fried a coil already, had it consistently at 7.5 watts which is what I use on all my tanks.
I opened her up to try take a peak at the coil, with the evod you can quite easily pull the cap from the coil in order to re wick. Tried this by hand and nothing, 10 minutes later I gave up and went to my man drawer for two sets of pliers, I quickly realised It wasn't budging and I would have to destroy it to get a peak at the coil, so out of frustration I did. The coil looked ok however a little black but the wick was completely scorched and I can only put this down to not enough juice getting to the coil resulting in burning,which is meant to be solved due to it being bottom coil, I believe this could be solved by re wicking myself with a thinner wick however due to the fact this has been made impossible because the top cap is wedged in this means I am stuck buying new coils from totally wicked which I assume will all have the same problem.

so long story short
unable to re wick
stock coils burning
and plasticky feel

shame as it had potential

go for a mini protank 2
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