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TPD - Bargain Hunt Requests

I found some 0.2 earlier for £6 while looking for 1.2, but can't remember where. If they're OK for you I'll retrace my steps and see if I can find them.
I bought some Clapton ones to try but thanks for the offer!
I'm surprised as we get closer just how much non compliant stuff ISN'T on sale. In fact I've even seen a quite a few vendors with non complaint stock overpriced, obviously they're hoping for panic buying at higher prices to offset any losses in the last few days. I'm talking mainly about tanks and kits.

Anyway, for the record I'm after either an OBS Engine Sub or Sub Mini cheaper that Fasttech's £18 delivered offer.

Also my daughter wants to get another Innokin T22 kit, I've only seen one on sale @ £15.47 +vat +delivery, which isn't too bad but like everyone I'm hoping for a massive bargain as we get closer.

I'd also like to say thank you to the apes who have been the main drivers behind all these TPD related threads, they've put in an awful lot of time and effort to make us aware of what deals are out there, I salute you.

Be sure to fill yer boots apes, this ain't ever going to happen again.
I'm surprised as we get closer just how much non compliant stuff ISN'T on sale. In fact I've even seen a quite a few vendors with non complaint stock overpriced.

Yup, on my travels for £10 bargains I found many shops that don't even have a sale on... they were the smaller outlets though with B&M shops so i'm wondering if they are having walk in sales and not bothering with online sales.
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