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TPD & The General Election...



Yesterday evening I had Jayne Kirkham, Labour candidate, on the door step. Canvassing for my vote. So I asked her opinions on the TPD and vaping. She had never heard of it. So I explained it to her. She told me not to worry as such a stupid and punitive law would never make it on to the statute books. She was appalled to discover that it passes into law on Saturday. She was concerned as it is a law that is contrary to actually helping people stop smoking and is anti healthcare.

So don't ignore your candidates, lobby them.
If only clueless politicians would come to our doorsteps every day so that we might educate them as to what's going on around them and tell them how to do things better. :D
My labour MP, who will get in again, is all for the TPD. I`ve tried in the past with her but wasting my time I`m afraid.
If only clueless politicians would come to our doorsteps every day so that we might educate them as to what's going on around them and tell them how to do things better. :D

She knew about the law surrounding the packaging of tobacco products, a law which I think is fair enough. I also have no problem with nicotine warnings on packaging TBH. Nicotine is addictive after all. But she thought the banning of bottles above 10ml was ridiculous as it increases packaging and the carbon footprint of the product. She, as do I, considered it a law that penalises the poor and small businesses. She was also concerned that after the 20th that any unsold non-compliant kit would be binned, another hit on the environment. She also took my point that it is going to increase costs in local government as it is the local trading standard departments that are going to have to enforce this, their resources are going to be diverted from actually enforcing consumer rights to performing spot checks on vape shops.

Which ever way you look at the TPD and vaping the consumer, the NHS, the environment, the tax payer and the vendors loose. The only people that win are the tobacco and pharmaceutical industries, which makes it anti-competitive too.
My labour MP, who will get in again, is all for the TPD. I`ve tried in the past with her but wasting my time I`m afraid.

Using the TPD to regulate actual tobacco products is a good this. Vaping is NOT tobacco.

If you want to beat a politician you need to get them to contradict themselves. Ask them their position on reducing the burden on the NHS due to smoking? Then remind them they can't have their cake and eat it.
Using the TPD to regulate actual tobacco products is a good this. Vaping is NOT tobacco.

If you want to beat a politician you need to get them to contradict themselves. Ask them their position on reducing the burden on the NHS due to smoking? Then remind them they can't have their cake and eat it.
I did all that. The main thing she went on about in her letter to me was gateway to smoking for kids. I replied & told her I regularly saw kids smoking but not seen one vaping. I asked how many she had seen. Got no reply. Another regular poster on here has the same MP & he got no response either.
I did all that. The main thing she went on about in her letter to me was gateway to smoking for kids. I replied & told her I regularly saw kids smoking but not seen one vaping. I asked how many she had seen. Got no reply. Another regular poster on here has the same MP & he got no response either.

So she is just a "yes man" that rattles out the view point of the popular media.
Wow. A politician claiming ignorance and shock. Whatever next [emoji23]
An honest, community minded one who is not on the take? The only one like that I can think of is Dennis Skinner (aka "the beast of Bolsover" in Daily Mail speak)
I can't help but think we should have been having these conversations two or three years ago ... We can't whinge now if we didn't get off our arses then ...
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