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TPD & The General Election...

I can't help but think we should have been having these conversations two or three years ago ... We can't whinge now if we didn't get off our arses then ...
Plenty of people did get off their arses, though. Politicians were made very aware of the travesty of justice that was the TPD. Not a single fuck was given.
Mainly but with the odd exception candidates and politicians are a bunch of self serving chunts. I say that as someone who's been politically active and aware since 1979. It's a takeover by the neo-liberals and bourgeoisie (Corbyn excepted).

Plenty of people did get off their arses, though. Politicians were made very aware of the travesty of justice that was the TPD. Not a single fuck was given.

Post of the week
Very true [emoji35] My MP at the time was Mark Reckless (if ever an MP had an appropriate name ...). All he was interested in was that "we shouldn't be dictated to by EU". Had no interest in what I was trying to say.
I would love to see some MPs challenging the ban, but given the many problems with politics that are being discussed at the moment I can't see it getting close to a discussion at present
Before the TPD was passed, I sent my local MP an email informing her of the upcoming rules and how they are going to affect each and every one of us vapers. About a month later I received a letter back. Essentially she said that these laws are being put in place to stop kids from vaping and she supported it.

I'm very much with her on this part, vaping should be 18+ just like smoking is. However, the 10ml max juice and 2ml max tank capacity is utter nonsense and will have 0 effect on kids vaping. All it will do is make it harder and more expensive for us vapers to do what we do and better our health.

Needless to say she's lost my vote in the upcoming local election and I'll be asking other candidates for their opinion on the TPD given the chance.
The lib Dems mention e cigs in the leaflets I have through my door, think it's because of the stupid laws the Welsh assembly tried to bring in down here. The lib Dems did appose the laws but I can't see me giving them my vote.
So was just thinking the tpd stops anyone selling fags in a pack of ten to make them more expensive but you can only buy 10 mls of juice making it more appealing to kids just a thought
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