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traveling via dubai. please help .. where to put things.

I fly a lot with work recently through Dubai, follow previous advice I only carry an old kangertech mini with a mad hatter mini on, 15ml of liquid and batteries. the good mods, tanks, drippers, wires and cotton go in the hold never had an issue but wouldn't care too much if they took my carry on off me. Actually see a lot of people in the smoking area vaping just be sure not to carry your most expensive kit just in case.
i am EXTREMELY happy to announce that customs didn't touch any of my stuff.
either my brother did a good job unpacking the items (although still in their boxes) and putting them in ziplock baggage or didnt care..

The solution was rather easy. CHECKED bag for all stuff.
passing via Dubai ... just left EVERYTHING except for the batteries in the checked in bags.
Then reached Baghdad and was rather nervous cause they forbid it here too BUT I guess i was lucky cause the customs in iraq only know what the old ecig looks like.

Anyways. I am still a very newbie (if thats right to say) and i have ordered all the things i need to get started..

Click images to see full size.
I am soooooo utterly confused about this its crazy.

a sibling is bringing me items from the U.S. and into Baghdad.
He will be travelling via dubai with a 21 hour layover. HE WILL go into dubai for the 21 hours.

I have ordered for him to bring to me a few items:

ipv3Li unit
a bunch of Kanthal coil
a few bags of cotton
two RDAs
1 aspire tank
and a 6bottle 30ml juice pack.
18650 batteries (4)
Battery charger

Now. I am confused as to what is allowed to go where.
I know in dubai things are "confusing".
I have contacted dubai airport via email and their replies leave you ultra confused.
they say things like:

"Concerning your query, we would like to let you know that battery-powered portables are considered as prohibited items and are not allowed to be carried in checked-in luggage. This is been practiced as per documented international safety and security rules and is been followed very strictly by Dubai airports security department.

If any such items were been carried in checked-in baggage, items would be subject to confiscation making retrieval impossible to its owner offering no compensation.

We would also like to let you know that electronic smoking devices are prohibited in the UAE and all arriving and departing passenger are restricted to possess the same."

If any such items were been carried in checked-in baggage, items would be subject to confiscation making retrieval impossible to its owner offering no compensation.

We would also like to let you know that electronic smoking devices are prohibited in the UAE and all arriving and departing passenger are restricted to possess the same.

However, please be informed that it is permissible to carry the item (e-cigarette) in hand baggage. "

...? double meaning there. in the end it says "it is permissible to carry the item (e-cigarette) in hand baggage."but at the start it says not to.

so i replied to their email all confused... and they said pretty much the same thing but in bold letters. lol

Dear customer,
Please note that transiting passengers are permitted to carry the mentioned items in their hand carry baggage’s. Also, please be informed that any passenger transiting at Dubai airports may remain in the airport for a maximum period of 24 hours.

However, any passenger arriving into the country or departing from the country are not allowed to possess the items.

Kindly, note that these items are subject to screening /searching by the Dubai airports security/police department hence confiscation of the same would be done by Dubai police department.

so we know that he will enter dubai for the 21 hours. problem arises.

a friend of mine works for an airline suggested i throw everything in the checked in bag (the big bag) and considering this is a transition flight (with layover) it should be ok. he says that the big bag will remain at the airport thus not breaking the law of entering the country.

I dont agree with this at all.

what would you do?

((please note, my sibling has no idea on disassembling the rda/tank))
he can take stuff out of the package and throw it in a bag. thats about it.

so how would we deal with this?

Heres what i think. am i correct in this?

ipv3Li unit (remove from box, carryon)?
a bunch of Kanthal coil (checked bag)
a few bags of cotton (checked bag)
two RDAs (carry on)
1 aspire tank (carry on)
and a 6bottle 30ml juice pack. (checked bag)
18650 batteries (4) (carryon)
Battery charger (checked)

furthermore, i figured perhaps there are lockers to store the items into for when exiting the airport and returning to complete the flight?

alright mate, I was on the same boat as you recently. I went to Dubai in October 2015 and I looked online and found that ecigs are illegal and banned. I read forums where some people got theirs taken off them and other's didn't. There was even one guy who said he's been travelling for past 15 years or something and said he's never been stopped and said to mention if you ever get stopped then say it is "electronic shisha" and not ecig lol

anyway I took the risk, I flew out from Edinburgh to Istanbul then from Istanbul to Dubai. When I got to Dubai, my plan was to immediately place my ipv2 mini into my suitcase before I exited the airport to meet customs. However, after going through passport control there was an immediate security checkpoint and so they wanted to scan our hand luggage and I was like ahh shit! the guy stopped the security belt just as my bag was coming out the other end of the machine and gave me a dirty look lol then he let it move on but before I grabbed it he was like signalling to place it on the table where another police officer/custom office approached me and started asking questions. He asked me you have ecigarette, how many you have, you got two?! I said no I have electronic shisha lol and he was like but you have 2 electronic cigarettes? his English wasn't the best so I just said no only one, and said you can check. He didn't want to open the bag and said its okay on you go.

I spoke to people there and it is quite confusing. Online and media report it as banned but apparently you can buy the cheap crap ones from the official smoking centre shops in the shopping malls. And if you want the cool and current mods such as all your aspire, kanger etc then there is a fake market for it known as dragon market or something like that where you can get those lol I don't think they have all the brands and stuff but some from what I heard.

One person said its banned because of the batteries, people drop them on the pavement and when its left in the heat they explode. Then I'm like who the heck drops a battery and leaves it there in the scorching heat?!

Someone else said it is banned because of the nicotine that's in it, but they are okay with nicotine free liquids. But that doesn't make sense either as fags are dirt cheap there and you can buy them from pretty much any store.

So the whole ban and illegal issue there is very confusing.

If I were you, I would place all your mods inside your suitcase, take them apart and take the battery out too. Keep everything apart so it doesn't get scanned and picked up as an ecig. I only had mine in my handluggage with me because I wanted to vape when I arrived at Istanbul airport as I had a long wait for my connecting flight which was like 6-7 hours time. But if I go out there again then I know what to do. I was lucky I got away with it, I bet you any money that had the guy opened my bag and seen my shiny clean silver ipv 2 mini with the atlantis v2 tank on then he would've taken it off me fo sure!

I hope the above helps
Thanks for sharing your story it was very informative.
Next time I am going to travel through Dubai I am dismantling my mods and tanks and putting them in my checked in luggage.
BUT I am also going to be taking my old ego style vape to get a cheeky vape on! They can take that off me if they really want to.
I am going through Doha on Qatar airlines next month.
Qatar actually tell you to take as carry on (due to batteries) that will be my first point if tried to remove.
I am going to carry all my 18650's (as is the 'Law') with one mod / tank and one set in the checked bag (no battery).
Half my liquid checked & half carried.
If I loose the mod at customs it will be a good but less worrying loss than some of my others.
This way I have 2 chances (and probably both Ok) of my gear reaching South Korea with me.
I will post my experience on return to help keep spreading what actually happens.
@johnr7 you only need to worry if you're leaving the airport. If you don't have to go through security, you'll be fine.
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