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Turning a broken regulated sqounker into a mech.


May 17, 2015
hi everyone, I had a DNA40 clone squonker and the board gave up the ghost.

I tore the board out, and found that if I connect the red and black wires at the top of the mod to the red and black wires at the bottom of the mod, when I touch the last two together it fires, like a mech mod. I need to connect black to red for this to work though- red to red and black to black does nothing. EDIT: I was wrong, both ways work.

Obviously, I will need a switch. I just wanted to make sure before I buy a switch, will this be safe to do? As in simply wiring it to be a mech mod instead of regulated. It does fire when I press the last wire in place, so seems like it will work.

Which switch would you recommend? it needs to be 10MM maximum in diameter, so it can fit in the standard switch hole. If I could remove the bit that goes around the switch, this is 16MM. It is the actual button that is 10MM.

I could use the original switch if I had something like this behind- but can this handle current going through it, or is that the idea of using a resistor with it? Or do I need an Amp rated switch?

Thanks, Conan.
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