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UK / Europe Made Liquids vs Cheap Chinese Liquids

Vape Life

Jan 8, 2014
Hello all.. i just wanted to ask if people aim particularly for UK (or Europe) Made liquids, and are happy to pay a little more, or simply aim for the best deals of liquids not giving a care of where they're from.

We only use UK Made, after testing Chinese liquids from various suppliers and we were not happy with the results.

Many of our customers are after the best deals, saying "********* are doing 3 for 2, or ******* are selling theirs for only £2.50 per 10ml" etc and we can't compete on price, but when looking into these there is no mention of "UK Made / Europe made" which leads us to think of China immediately.

When doing our research we found that the Chinese are very sketchy on their PG/VG / ingredient info whereas UK / Europe sellers are happy to give the info away.

Anyway, be interesting to see what people think :)
I would never knowingly vape Chinese juice, you just dont know what's in it. I don't care what all their blurb says it could all be bullshit. I only buy from reputable vendors that have UK US Juices or ingredients or now just make my own :). I got free bottles of Hangsen at last years Vapefest they went in the nearest bin along with the dodgy burger. If anybody wants proof then look at the baby milk crises in China when the milk was contaminated with Melamine in 2008 to make a fast buck. Its still going on as my company exports tonnes of baby milk each week to China, as the local population still don't want to buy the local baby milk.

I am not anti Chinese I work for a Chinese Company but know how it works :) I also lived in Hong Kong for many years. HK still bans ecigs yet they help supply the world :).
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I agree with stumpey, I won't use anything but UK juices (I'd use US ones, too, but I've not tried any as of yet). I also think of the baby milk and also the pet food scandals to make me wary of the Chinese products. They still have a way to go with food/chemical safety :(

Everyone at work uses Chinese juice, but I just can't do it. They thought I was oh-so-posh today, when I received a bottle of Mrs Lords. My first time with them - and the quality definitely shines through!
I got started on Chinese juice, but only ever Hangsen, not DeKang or DeBang or whatever they're called this week.
The guy I work with imports a lot of juice from Hangsen, and they are happy to make it at whatever PG/VG he asks for, with safety data sheets and certificates of conformity.
If price is an issue then you HAVE to buy Chinese. For quality I make my own :D
I wouldn't mind vaping Chinese Juice. Hangsen looks good to me and they are also opening a factory in Europe (so it will actually be european juice then). My trouble is, the fact that I can never be sure that I am actually getting Hangsen, and not some cheaper copy, as copyright theft and faking goods is rife over there and the other problem is, that they contain too much PG for me. I wish they would offer a 50/50.

UK made, yeah, fine, but that actually only means that you mixed it in the UK. Where does the nicotine come from, where does the VG/PG come from and where is the flavour made? I don't mean that UK wholeseller they were bought from, I mean the actual manufacturer and where is their factory based?

US made juices are ok-ish, but US companies are very secretive when it comes to ingredients (that's one reason why I cannot use US Fragrance Oils for making cosmetics for the EU market). I would never know what's in them (cinnmal aldehyde, that other stuff that tastes like butter...), especially as these flavours are made for food and baking, not for inhaling. So, where does that leave us?

I am hoping that study that we are sponsoring will give us some very clear answers, regarding flavour components, and maybe there will be a EU company that will make flavours specifically made for inhaling soon.
Im too scared to try Chinese. I only use uk or us juice. I know I pay more but peace of mind.

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