I understand the sentiment here, it annoys me too.
I feel like I've already paid 20% of my meager earnings then I have to pay another 20% tax out of what's left whenever I buy something on top of council tax which is another 20%. Then there's the reseller's markup and the manufacturer's markup, if everyone could pay what something is actually worth then we'd all be a lot better off.
Fasttech (and the likes) are a little shortcut for the select few that know about it and because the government is losing 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% then it's an emergency, loopholes must be closed!!!!
Try putting your efforts into chasing up google, apple, starbucks (who also have extortionate markups) and all the others not paying tax and stop worrying about catching sardines when you should be chasing whales.
Also try getting good value for money on existing projects and schemes rather than wasting billions on 'preferred contractors' who overspend and cost the economy billions.
But no, you go chase the little guy and penalise them a bit more. As a nation we're used to getting ripped off all day everyday, what does a cup of coffee actually cost? A couple of pence? Factor in premises, staff and advertising and you're still only up to 20p. I also saw on my travels that they're putting up the cost of a packet of cigarettes to £15 a pack when the highest prevalence is in the poorer sections of society. I'm sure some of those who don't like (or aren't aware of) vaping will be choosing smoking over food and heating.
I'll have to stop there because it winds me up, the whole system is screwed.