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UK Researchers Respond to WHO Vaping Warnings


May 7, 2020
UK Researchers Respond to WHO Vaping Warnings

WHO (The World Health Organisation) has recently issued new warnings

around vaping. This has caused UK Public Health experts to speak up and

question these warnings, and accused WHO of spreading misinformation

around the benefits and potential risks of e cigarettes.

WHO expressed concerns over vaping E Liquid and the value of e cigarettes

as a smoking cessation tool against the potential harms. The organization

made the statement ‘there is no doubt that e cigarettes are harmful to health

and are not safe but is is too early to provide a clear answer on the long-term

impact of using them’.

WHO have also said there isn’t enough evidence to support the use of e

cigarettes as a succesful smoking cessation product. This is despite all

available records and evidence of success stories from ex smokers who used

Vaping as an alternative.

WHO’s warnings about vaping seem to echo the same warnings from US

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and some U.S. scientists, who

are expressing alarm over uncertain hazards from vaping. This is of course

the outbreak of severe lung disease that’s still being investigated and is linked

to THC-containing e-cigarettes.

Peter Hajek, who directs the Tobacco Dependence Research Unit at Queen

Mary University of London wrote the following statement which was released

by the UK Science Media Centre:

There is no evidence that vaping is ‘highly addictive,’” he said. “Less than 1% of non-smokers become regular vapers. Vaping does not lead young people to smoking—smoking among young people is at [an] all-time low. There is clear evidence that e-cigarettes help smokers quit.

The Director of the UK Centre for Tobacco & Alcohol studies, and a consultant

in respiratory medicine at Nottingham University, John Britton- ‘’E-cigarettes

are “clearly less harmful” than tobacco’’ “WHO misrepresents the available

scientific evidence’’.

The Public Health England still maintains that vaping is at least 95% less

harmful than smoking cigarettes.The UK has also said the WHO has a history of anti-vaping activism that is damaging their reputation.

There are still many investigations that will be carried out around the concerns

of vaping for both long term and short term. Studies are still ongoing to

explore whether vaping does pose any health risks to the lungs and

cardiovascular system.

For WHO they are still adamant that the downside of vaping clearly outweighs

their benefits. Currently vaping is banned in over 30 countries worldwide with

more and more countries consideration to follow this.

What we do know though is smoking kills more than 8 million people a year

worldwide and many ex smokers have shared publicly their success stories

about how vaping E Liquids helped them finally quit smoking after using

alternative methods like patches, gum, etc.
Dont get me started....... annoys me so much when I read stuff like this.
I really can only believe that their has to be so much corruption and under hand dealings when we know how many people die through smoking related diseases each year coupled with the level of people who have successfully quit smoking by turning to vaping.
I tried many many times to quite smoking unsuccessfully and in the end if I hadn't quit it would of killed me.
Of course there are unknown dangers but for christ sake, why are they so negative about vaping. It's the only true alternative to smoking. How can all these countries ban it on the grounds that it "may" be dangerous.
I'm gonna end there lol
Neither had I until I checked. :)
It's the kind of story that @Mawsley will already have covered.
I prefer my vendors to blatantly advertise, it makes life easier. :)
I'm happy for vendors to join in advocating for tobacco harm reduction - the more voices makes the sound louder :)
Yes we are just trying to push out good content, to lift the profile of vaping. A couple of links here and there to help with SEO.
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