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Ukva maxi

want want want want want. i got a new job today so im going to be in shiny heaven very soon . my beady little eyes will be all over the place :D
Jim, how do you reckon the gold plating will stand up to use? I'm just thinking of how soft gold is, especially as it gets thinner.

I'm interested because I was thinking of doing some engraving on a mod and then getting it partially plated.
Jim, how do you reckon the gold plating will stand up to use? I'm just thinking of how soft gold is, especially as it gets thinner.

I'm interested because I was thinking of doing some engraving on a mod and then getting it partially plated.

I use Gold with Cobalt added. Its a tiny % of Cobalt they add to the Gold solution. But Cobalt is very hard as no doubt you already know. That stops the wear on frequently used parts.

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Todd loves his Maxi. Now that you mentioned him, it reminded me that I should have posted his review on the first post. Just added it now for those who haven't seen it
Very nice! What are they going for?

Do you really want to know? The drip tip alone is £15. But the wait for one would be a very long one. I have a long list which I made up myself with those who enquired. I never at any point posted a list as I just couldn't cope with the demand. Every one takes a long time to machine. Pure Titanium (As Stealth pointed out "Medical Grade) eats tools. I grind my own lathe tools as the cost of replacing them would be high.

Therefore, long list, hand machined, eats expensive tools................... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/161039660961?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649

BTW, that was a 24hr listing. I got a pile of PMs from those that missed it. If it had been a 7 day listing it would no doubt have went for more. But its not about the money, as when I consider my time & tool cost, I earn less than the minimum wage making them. It cost the winning bidder even more as it went to Australia by registered airmail.

I was thinking, if I could train the little dog to do some machining

Dog Lead.jpg
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