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Ultrasonic cleaner £12.49

@Mitz i wonder if this has anything to do with your recent freebie.
Nah. I've already got a Coil Master ultrasonic cleaner. Works great. The one that turned up is some small thing. Haven't bothered looking at it yet to be honest. Just black bagged it with all the other stuff for now. But you can see the size of it from the photo I posted.

I bought one a few years ago on flea bay after doing some research found one from a reputable electrical company that makes only UC’s mostly for commercial use but also smaller ones for domestic use and I’m happy to say it’s very good. It’s got a digital led timer and although it doesn’t have a heater it doesn’t need to because the ultrasonic waves actually heats the water anyway. If you put warm water in to start with,a decent UC should heat the water anyway. The only thing I’m wary of is that they can actually start lifting the paint on your atty’s so I don’t leave them in for too long and always use the basket so nothing is directly touching the bottom to create hot spots but it’s great for cleaning my DIY e juice bottles etc and it gets all of the crap off of my Clapton coils etc. It came with two separate power cables one with a U.K. fitted plug the other is a two pin,a SS basket and the whole unit is made of stainless steel,it’s a very solid bit of kit which comes in very handy for me.
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