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Ultrasonic cleaners.

I did an experiment where I made a juice, didn't shake it and put it in the ultrasound for 20 minutes. It came out the same way it went in.
So is it the equivalent of shaking? That gets old real quick when you've got 20 bottles to go at.

Well - it's a bit odd. I shake then US. It clears a lot of the cloudy 'just made' juices very quickly. I think it mixes it more on a 'micro' level also. It also heats them via the US. I think it's quite good; but alas, nothing will entirely remove the time element from the longer steep juices.

Saw a video on you tube at Manabush HQ where Martyn puts his mixed juice on a vibrating plate to mix it up.
I now make Mrs Jon the Vape go on her keep fit vibraplate thing with my juice strapped to it.
I know that sounds so wrong but it's all above board honest guv.
Does anyone has any before and after pics of really grimy ones like in the OP? His pics have been taken down.
ive got one and i would not be with out it saves so much time well worth it i paid about £20 for mine about a year ago now from ebay ...........
I have read that to use for mixing, it has to be glass bottles as us doesn’t go through the plastic.
Good cos I’ve got a mix that needs ‘hurrying up’. Should be ready but guess who only put half the custard flavour in - doh!
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