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Understanding how my evic vtc works in TC mode with Ti

made a new coil, 2,5mm for 0,27ohm (when hot it becomes 0,48) 240C 20W it reaches the temperature more quickly than before and the watt drop down to 8w so everything worse than before..can't believe to all of this..
made a new coil, 2,5mm for 0,27ohm (when hot it becomes 0,48) 240C 20W it reaches the temperature more quickly than before and the watt drop down to 8w so everything worse than before..can't believe to all of this..
I don't understand why you are concerned about what the resistance is reading if you have locked it in, nor what watts are being utilised once the coil reaches temperature. Both of those things are normal. The question is, what is the vape like?
I'm sorry, you're right, I'm not concerned about the resistance and its value, but idk if it's normal that the resistance increase till double is original value.
you just answered me saying yes, so, forget me :)

When I was vaping in Power mode, VW, the only way of increase the vape was increasing watts. Here if you want a warmer vape, you increase the temperature, But reading around the web nobody seems vape at 270°C for have a satisfying vape..It's like I'm vaping with a vision spinner and a just fog..
Tried again with a 3mm 5 wraps using a 0,4mm wire as always, 240°C and 25W less cotton I could, now it's gurgling a bit, but it seems works a bit better, not exactly what i was hoping for, but at least it's better than before. :)
I tried as Tubbyengineer said, 250C 25W 0,37ohms it reaches the temperature but far from what I like.. should I increase more the temp?
Thing is, he didn't say 25 watts. He said 50 watts.

Tried again with a 3mm 5 wraps using a 0,4mm wire as always, 240°C and 25W less cotton I could, now it's gurgling a bit, but it seems works a bit better, not exactly what i was hoping for, but at least it's better than before. :)
Watch my lips. Increase your wattage to 50 watts. :D
If that doesn't give you a good vape, take your cotton out and rewick with even less. There should be very very little resistance to pulling the wick through. Err on the side of too little to see how it affects your vapour production and warmth of vapour, then adjust from there.
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I haven't heard from many (any) people using the Ubertoot in TC. I know some of the "Old school" single coil atties don't perform brilliantly in TC but don't know how well the U'toot holds up. I myself have not found as satisfying a vape with single coil atties in TC mode but I know danb gets on ok with the sub tank mini. Have you other atties you can try?
Thing is, he didn't say 25 watts. He said 50 watts.

Watch my lips. Increase your wattage to 50 watts. :D
If that doesn't give you a good vape, take your cotton out and rewick with even less. There should be very very little resistance to pulling the wick through. Err on the side of too little to see how it affects your vapour production and warmth of vapour, then adjust from there.

hahahaha :D :D :D
I tried with 50w but there is no difference, after 1-2 second the watts drop to about 13w
same result if I put 20w, and of course using 20w it takes a bit (fraction of second) to drop to 13w.
I'm using less cotton than I can, it's a bit gurgling so..you can imagine easily :)

I haven't heard from many (any) people using the Ubertoot in TC. I know some of the "Old school" single coil atties don't perform brilliantly in TC but don't know how well the U'toot holds up. I myself have not found as satisfying a vape with single coil atties in TC mode but I know danb gets on ok with the sub tank mini. Have you other atties you can try?

I read something about that Uta is not the best for TC, unfortunately I just have this and the subtank, I want to order something else from fast tech but I don't know what exactly :) (see this post: https://www.planetofthevapes.co.uk/...buildable-atomizer-for-flavour-chasing.94508/ )

just one question, what is a safe temp for vape with Ti? is 250°C safe? what's the max?
How I can say thank to a user for helping me? just with the like button?
...after 1-2 second the watts drop to about 13w
same result if I put 20w, and of course using 20w it takes a bit (fraction of second) to drop to 13w.
Again, this is normal and not something you should be concerning yourself with. Once the desired coil temperature is reached, the only way the mod can stop the temperature from rising higher, is to reduce the wattage going to the coil. Yes?

just one question, what is a safe temp for vape with Ti? is 250°C safe? what's the max?
How I can say thank to a user for helping me? just with the like button?
It is safe to vape all TC wires at the maximal TC settings on your mod. Having to do so might indicate a problem with your build, but it is safe to do so.
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From steam engine.com titan grade 1 has a tcr in vaping mode of 366, and that is what I used in my evic, also in Ti mode does the same than in TCR..
Forget all that because it doesn't take into account the resistance of the 510 and anything inbetween the chip and coil.

Just play with the setting until it vapes right.
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