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Understanding how my evic vtc works in TC mode with Ti

It is safe to vape all TC wires at the maximal TC settings on your mod. Having to do so might indicate a problem with your build, but it is safe to do so.
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well, now i set 260°C it vapes as I was looking for, even if (as you said) seems to high for a normal vape without a problem.
Forget all that because it doesn't take into account the resistance of the 510 and anything inbetween the chip and coil.

Just play with the setting until it vapes right.
ok, but with that tcr now at 260°C it vapes ok, in Ti mode is still to weak..
well, fine, now I can vape better waiting my order from fast tech, I'll receive an origen dripper v3, that should be fine in TC..
I think it was a wicking issue, now wicking with less cotton has improved the experience, and tonight I'll try to make a new coil with a very minimum quantity of cotton :)
I haven't heard from many (any) people using the Ubertoot in TC. I know some of the "Old school" single coil atties don't perform brilliantly in TC but don't know how well the U'toot holds up. I myself have not found as satisfying a vape with single coil atties in TC mode but I know danb gets on ok with the sub tank mini. Have you other atties you can try?
I'm using a Copper Vape clone UTA2 for TC on several different mods and it works perfectly using Nife30 & 48.
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