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Uni Base is LIVE...........

now you mention it........... I believe secret squirrel has teamed up with said pigeon and are eating my magic bean points and hiding my freebies
And for the non believers, yes, he fucking does exist.....Dripworx is a very dark world, nothing should surprise you......

Hhmmm close.

I spotted the postman so opened the door just as a pigeon swooped down and took the parcel out of his hand (I assume it could smell the lemon biscuit) :eek:

It clearly wasn't the posties fault as he obviously wasn't expecting it.
After a heated debate it was decided that it wasn't the fault of royal mail and agreed I should contact the vendor :rolleyes:

So clearly I need to be sent all the Base mix again it's the only fair way as far as I can see :oops2:.

On the plus side my beans are all accounted for :tongue:
I personally think you should be awarded double beans for the distress caused
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