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Unofficial diy allotment

You need cupcake world cream.

I probably do, but will have to make do without it, I need to reduce my flavour stash, not increase it!

As a side note I walked into a vape shop at random with my wife on Saturday and saw that it had 4 shelves of wall to wall flavourings, TPA, Capella, FA and Inawera. Damn I wanted to touch and buy them all! ALL!!!

I bought 5 on the spot and then after we walked around, dis some shopping, had brunch and coffee we returned where I bought 2 more... Ok I lied, I bought 3 more :P

There's something about brick and mortar shops, however handy ordering off the net is there's something else when you can see all the bottles neatly stacked next to each other, you can see the labels etc.
I live alone so the vape mess I create only bothers me, but I worry for the sanity of those of you living with family? Are they super tolerant or are you banished to sheds? o_O Creamy hazelnut chow sounds nice ...
Does anyone else create their own one shots...….if Im happy with my recipe....I Blend the concentrates. at my happy percentages...leave them...and when Im ready to mix....away I go.....it works well I Find.
The main reason I was thinking about it was to consolidate bottle space. I have too many bottles of concentrate.
I live alone so the vape mess I create only bothers me, but I worry for the sanity of those of you living with family? Are they super tolerant or are you banished to sheds? o_O Creamy hazelnut chow sounds nice ...

yeah, there's 3 other people in this house. The cupboard under the stairs is full of my junk, guitars, amps, records, vape gear, electronics hobby stuff, overflow books etc etc .... the kitchen table is covered in mixing stuff at the moment... the garage is 90% all my stuff too, a vespa, a motorbike, tools, etc etc...
By all accounts I'm probably as bad as zou for not following measurements.
For dtl I get an idea, mix 100ml, let it sit a couple of days then try it.
Mull the test over for a while sometimes a few days.
Work out how to adjust it.
Adjust it by making another 100ml accounting for the adjustments in the final 200ml mix.
By the time its right I've ended up with a litre or two of a great juice that i cant reverse engineer cos I'm not organised enough to take notes.

I'm the idiot that bought one of these after I'd been mixing a few months.


Idiocy for the volume or the price you paid?
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