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Feb 6, 2014
Advice needed please... I am thinking of upgrading from my Ego starter set up, I like the look and price(have not got bottomless pockets atm lol) of the KTS storm and having read various web pages it seems to me that a mod is only as good as the atty/ tank it is paired with. I want a mod I can just use without to much faffing about, I'm not ready to build my own coils or wicks yet. I like the firing button on the side rather than the base

What do you you guys think of the Kts storm? is it reliable? does it need a kick? what is the best atty/clearo combo to go with it?
or can anyone suggest a similar priced set up.

Thanks in advance
I posted a similar thread and the MVP v2 was suggested it is VV/VW mod, it comes with either two iclear 16s or 1 iclear30. the latter was also recommended as a good tank. If you search MVP v2 on youtube the reviewers are practically glowing, the faults identified for me were not deal breakers.

I have ordered mine from HastyTechnology(not sure if i can say the real name haha) which was just under £29, despite the company name it has taken them 4days to pack my parcel though.

Also, on tanks the Aspire DBC Davide Tank seems to be very popular, it will be my next tank purchase.
Advice needed please... I am thinking of upgrading from my Ego starter set up, I like the look and price(have not got bottomless pockets atm lol) of the KTS storm and having read various web pages it seems to me that a mod is only as good as the atty/ tank it is paired with. I want a mod I can just use without to much faffing about, I'm not ready to build my own coils or wicks yet. I like the firing button on the side rather than the base

What do you you guys think of the Kts storm? is it reliable? does it need a kick? what is the best atty/clearo combo to go with it?
or can anyone suggest a similar priced set up.

Thanks in advance

Someone here was looking at the 69, that's a side button job. But I can't find the post again, need more info myself.

Found it. http://www.planetofthevapes.co.uk/forums/showthread.php/29512-side-button-mech-mod
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IMO, unless you are going to delve into rebuildable atties/tanks (eg, kayfun, tailfun,) I would not bypass cheap and cheerful (under £30) vv/vw devices like the Vamo, and go straight from 'ego starters' to a mechanical mod. You have to remember that the primary reason that 'mech mods' have become popular as they were formed out of necessity when 'cloud chasing' with low resistance, became 'the craze'. Not knocking that, but for basic vaping, the flexibility of experimentation via vv/vw devices is not something to be missed during the vaping learning curve.
Thanks for the reply. Not sure about putting a google search in for 69 ( i can guess what will come up lol) what make is it please.
other good side button mods are the roller or dingo, a sirius is also good and for a pucker mod relatively cheap and has a good button :)
Thanks for the advice, I like the idea and price of a vv/vw device, lava, vamo, KTS,MVP and cool fire all seem like good, easy operation alternative, there is just so much choice it is pickling me brain. Guess I'll just keep on trawling the web and puffin' away until I see a shiney that I just have to have. It is great to get the thoughts of more experienced vapers than me Thanks to all who have replied.
Thanks for the advice, I like the idea and price of a vv/vw device, lava, vamo, KTS,MVP and cool fire all seem like good, easy operation alternative, there is just so much choice it is pickling me brain. Guess I'll just keep on trawling the web and puffin' away until I see a shiney that I just have to have. It is great to get the thoughts of more experienced vapers than me Thanks to all who have replied.

no problem at all...i reckon most go the vv/vw route first as i did until totally understanding the resistances used in certain builds...once that becomes second nature then mechs come into play...not that you cant go that way first but using a kick, but for the cost a vv mod is a great step up :)
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