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UTA 2 wicking


Jun 8, 2015
I'm very new to building and have had very few problems with a Taifun GT2 and Hurricane but today tried my UTA 2.

I'd read wicking could be tricky but my god what a pain! No problem getting my Nife30 coil working as it should but has taken me at least 4 attempts at wicking just to stop it flooding.

I'm using the large single slots as it looks easier but am having trouble blocking off the 'slits' to stop juice getting in there.

Have resorted to just putting bits of wick in to plug which is working but I'm still getting too much in seen by more air bubbles than I'd like.

I am using the juice control part before anybody asks but it's not easy to line up and screw the top on, which is probably my biggest issue.

This probably isn't helped by the fact I MTL so don't use major power to hit temp so juice isn't evaporating quickly.

Any tips on doing something easy?

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I use the in and out method between the two smaller gaps, as per ummm I think it was Todd. its a bt more figgley to set up but seem to work perfectly, no flooding or dry hits and I don't suck the wick into the chamber when I take a strong draw.
Have a look in the how to section I have done a pic by pic UTA wicking thread
Thanks, just taken a look, not sure I can be arsed with filing the tube but will give the wicking a try and hopefully it will still work

I'm using 70 vg so it will be interesting to see if it's OK.
I have similar issues with the big slots so started using the dual horizontal instead.
It still wicks well and no more leaks.
A might try the big slot again at some stage but use a wider diameter coil so I can get more cotton in without chocking it.
And Tartan's works. No need to start filing things.;)
It's pretty much how I did it the final time but I don't think I had the slots blocked off properly with the juice control.

Fingers crossed they are now and it seems to not be flooding, what it's like in the morning will be the test!
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