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UTA2 clone. How you getting on with it?


Nov 28, 2014
Really enjoying mine, absolute piece of piss to coil and wick with tremendous flavour :) Excellent build quality.

However; getting lots of condensed juice in the drip tip well whether I use it with the Railbox or a mech, and also with a variety of drip tips.

Went to recoil and wick tonight at a different resistance to see what works better; three days and just under 25ml of liquid ( Colonel Booms Over The Top) and the wick and coil were absolutely minging! Never experienced something that dirty in such a short period of time.

Obviously a learning curve for the latter that I'll be vigilant of, and probably why it's so flavourful? I'm willing to deal with the drip tip well issue due to vape quality - I've changed the coil/resistance/liquid tonight and still having the condensing issue - only used the 5ml kit though, yet easily the best tank atty I've used to date.

Any thoughts fellow apes?
I am getting more condensation than usual in the drip tip well, using the magic of a rolled up piece of paper I estimate the well to be around 1.5mm deeper than a standard drip tip.
Condensation is going to get caught up there, you could try to source an o-ring to sit in the well?
I probably have one somewhere, if I can be arsed I will have a looksee tomorrow and see if there is much difference, guess a 9mm OD 1.5mm thickness would do the job?
I have 2 of these now and I love them to bits, by far the best RTA I have used to date for flavour and ease of use.

I have noticed some excess moisture in the drip dip area but it takes a few seconds to give it a wipe so I don't find it a hassle really.

I haven't had my coil or cotton getting gunked up at all, although I never sum ohm or vape at high watts, I tend to use a 1.4 ohm coil at around 12-14 watts, that seems best for me.

The only thing that would make this perfect is a glass tank, but you can't have everything.
i read somwhere that the Ubertoot god is working on a glass version.
For what's it worth I done a side by side test with one of my uta v1 clones. The uta v1 whistles like crazy, the uta 2 is quiet. There's more airflow on the v1, a bit more flavour on the v2.

Glad to have both versions, the v2 is of a far superior quality of build, nothing to cut your hands to bits on and poly tanks that will last more than 5 minutes.
For what's it worth I done a side by side test with one of my uta v1 clones. The uta v1 whistles like crazy, the uta 2 is quiet. There's more airflow on the v1, a bit more flavour on the v2.

Glad to have both versions, the v2 is of a far superior quality of build, nothing to cut your hands to bits on and poly tanks that will last more than 5 minutes.

Unless you're an idiot like me and use a tank cracker juice (pear drops) in which case the tank self destructs in seconds.

A lesson learned.
I have spare tanks now and more can be purchased at a very good price from Latest Style Uta2 Best Deals | GearBest.com which is nice to know.
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