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Vamo V2

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Vaped Crusader

Apr 15, 2013
I've got a Vamo V2, black chromed.

It had only been used for about a fortnight or so before I started having trouble with the thread. An IGO-L won't screw into it, but an Evod, Protank and a KFL will. Well, mine do anyway. I have no idea as to why this is, so please bear in mind that you might need to get a new head or whatever its called for it, but IIRC they aren't expensive.

I'll also throw in a Helio rebuildable dripping atty which I can't even remember ever using, but you'll need an allen key for it.

£20 which includes recorded delivery postage and Paypal fees.
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Ahh damn! If you had posted this last week I'd have bitten your hand off, but until the new year all my cash is being funnelled into funding Christmas :(
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