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Vape E-Liquids - Known irritable ingredients


Sep 3, 2019
Hi all,

I’m within my first month of Vaping, and so far have tested a handful of flavours in shops, and taken some 10ml’s away to see how they sit with me.

I have noticed with one favour bought locally that it makes me hiccup and also makes my partner sneeze.

I am sure we are not the only two who react unfavourably to certain e-liquid products, so I’m wonder if there is a known list of ingredients some might want to avoid?
yup, avoid totally wicked :)

some also have a reaction to pg so thats worth looking into.
Oh ok. I seem to remember them stopping us buying a certain brand from China [emoji848]
Strawberry has always been a flavour that's irritated my throat, had a few different strawberry flavours over the years, and not a single one has been smooth to me
Then there's always the steeping process which I find does wonders for some juices that start off as harsh. I find shisha strawberry harsh until after a good steep.
What's up with TW?

OK thanks, well next time I was thinking of mixing my own juice anyway, using some of Vampire Vapes concentrates, with a higher VG final solution.
I gathered this was worth testing out next, seems simple enough to do so.

Strawberry has always been a flavour that's irritated my throat, had a few different strawberry flavours over the years, and not a single one has been smooth to me

Thanks for that, not tried Strawberry, will do so soon.
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