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Vape harsh on first use

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Just looking at the juice and usa and Malaysian juices usually add alot of sweetners to their juices which in turn destroys coils pretty quickly

I take it's this juice you've got


Have a look over at primevapes here, active on here and uk manufacturer and potv vendor of the year


Most are very clean juices and taste pretty much as they are described, the fruity ones are decent on coils, desert and custards wont make the coils last as long though
The millions one is the one I've been using up to now. About to swap to the Fizzy Bubbily one. Manufactured by Yorkshire Vaper. Used them as they're literally 5 minutes from where I live. Unfortunately I've already topped it up with 2 X normal 18Mg nic shots though. It's a 100ml bottle.


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The millions one is the one I've been using up to now. About to swap to the Fizzy Bubbily one. Manufactured by Yorkshire Vaper. Used them as they're literally 5 minutes from where I live. Unfortunately I've already topped it up with 2 X normal 18Mg nic shots though. It's a 100ml bottle.
No problem, give your tank a clean out, new coil primed and follow steps as I said above and let us know how you get on
Hello and welcome to POTV. Just another thought, the vapor is different than cigarette smoke so your lungs have to get used to the thicker "vapor". That coupled with the nicotine can cause a harsh reaction. You might want to get a second kit, it is always a good idea to have a backup, and have the second kit loaded with 0 level nicotine. Use the 0 level nicotine tank when you first start using the unit for the first few times before changing over to the nicotine level you prefer. After a few times of doing this, your body will have adapted to the vapor. Good luck and enjoy your new journey of vaping.

The millions one is the one I've been using up to now. About to swap to the Fizzy Bubbily one. Manufactured by Yorkshire Vaper. Used them as they're literally 5 minutes from where I live. Unfortunately I've already topped it up with 2 X normal 18Mg nic shots though. It's a 100ml bottle.

A sleap stream tank would probably be better with 60/40 vg/pg. The coils you are using could well be struggling with higher than 60% vg as the juice hole in the coil isn't big, not like those smok coils. Smok coils leak after being left standing a day or 2. they can absorb juice a lor quicker than the slipstream coils. You are vaping 3mg strength liquid after adding the 2 nicshots. Juice wise now 20 fags is approx 10-11 quid a throw, you could get a load of juice for £11 if you look. just google or take a look round the site at vendors prices, discount coupons etc. I bet 200ml of juice would last you longer than 60 fags do. Good luck with staying away from smoking, hopefully vaping zero nic will be good for you. I certainly would rather you not become addicted to nicotine, it is the reason most of us vape. I could have purchased about 5 houses if i had never smoked.
@crustyfolker thanks for the well wishes. I certainly don't intend to go back this time. That's why I'm looking for advice whereas in the past I gave up and bought 20 Lamberts.

I don't have anymore coils at the moment. Is it absolutely necessary to change coil when changing flavour/juice? I really don't feel like it's burnt. It tastes ok once the first 5 minutes is out of the way.
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@Diver9543 I'm definitely going to try vaping 0% for my first go on an evening and see if it still tastes harsh. If it's good then this might well be the way forward. Cheers.
@crustyfolker thanks for the well wishes. I certainly don't intend to go back this time. That's why I'm looking for advice whereas in the past I gave up and bought 20 Lamberts.

I don't have anymore coils at the moment. Is it absolutely necessary to change coil when changing flavour/juice? I really don't feel like it's burnt. It tastes ok once the first 5 minutes is out of the way.

Its definately a good idea to change coils for a different juice. Some flavours are hard to get rid, aniseed is unmoveable for 1. oh and a biggy, when using a coil ignore the max wattage it will usually be to much and burn. always start at the lowest suggested and work your way up till you get where you are happy. again this is why i said get an RTA its cheaper to change a wick than a stock coil, imagine buying juice that sounds nice but find it unvapable, ruined coil £2-£3 in the bin for the coil . I tried a tobacco juice once and it totally ruined a coilas the taste wouldn't go even with a lime menthol, the vile tobacco taste was still there strong. If i had been using an rta, wash it up, rebuild and start afresh. But the main thing is to keep away from tobacco and Nicotine, vaping nic removes my cravings for a fag, thus it fuels my addiction and i have to vape i wouldn't be very nice to be around without a Nic fix. Besides no one will ever know you have Zero nic juice unless you tell them but at least one day you can just quit vaping unlike us Nicotine addicts.
OK, so for the last 2 nights I've started on 20W as suggested and slowly upped the power as the nasty taste faded. It does make it much more palatable (less minging) so thanks for that advice @Cozy

I've found that once it's settled in for the night it's good for the rest of the night but that the flavour only comes in at 30W plus. I think I had been mistaking the lack of flavour for the same problem as when I first fire it up on an evening.

I will try the 0% nic sometime but at the moment I don't have any and I have 100ml of already mixed shortfill. This is a decent work around and I don't want to buy another bottle or tank at the moment... Times are tough, right?

I have to say, you're a friendly bunch. Really appreciate the help and advice offered to a totally new member of the forum. It's hard to find the answers in vape shops as they tend to look down their nose at you if you don't know what you want. They're like the vapekeepers. Like the comic book guy on the Simpsons. I find it really intimidating. So thanks :2thumbsup:
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