Probably cause the weather is warmer, in winter / cold temps it becomes thicker, you did shake it after adding the nicotine?
For ages... Yeah.
Probably cause the weather is warmer, in winter / cold temps it becomes thicker, you did shake it after adding the nicotine?
No problem, give your tank a clean out, new coil primed and follow steps as I said above and let us know how you get onThe millions one is the one I've been using up to now. About to swap to the Fizzy Bubbily one. Manufactured by Yorkshire Vaper. Used them as they're literally 5 minutes from where I live. Unfortunately I've already topped it up with 2 X normal 18Mg nic shots though. It's a 100ml bottle.
The millions one is the one I've been using up to now. About to swap to the Fizzy Bubbily one. Manufactured by Yorkshire Vaper. Used them as they're literally 5 minutes from where I live. Unfortunately I've already topped it up with 2 X normal 18Mg nic shots though. It's a 100ml bottle.
@crustyfolker thanks for the well wishes. I certainly don't intend to go back this time. That's why I'm looking for advice whereas in the past I gave up and bought 20 Lamberts.
I don't have anymore coils at the moment. Is it absolutely necessary to change coil when changing flavour/juice? I really don't feel like it's burnt. It tastes ok once the first 5 minutes is out of the way.