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Vapeonly BCC - FAIL


Dec 12, 2012
After seeing some favourable reviews I acquired one of these from a vendor to try out - I'm on the hunt for a low end atomiser that the missus likes and possibly myself also - she's currently using Mini Vivi Nova's and a Spheroid. The Vapeonly atomiser seemed to be just the ticket - on the face of it.

When it arrived I popped in the supplied 1.8 Ohm head and gave it a try - worked reasonably well but had a really bland taste - possibly being contaminated by the supplied head. I've never been impressed by any of the supplied heads with these types of atomisers. I was using a juice I mixed myself that had been tested in a vivi and a carto and a Kayfun for reference regarding flavour etc.... Thinking that maybe just this head was dodgy I tried the remaining two and they all suffered from very poor flavour production and a modest vapour production.

Now I don't know if what happened from here-on-in was as a result of a Friday night special but this thing spat juice into the mouth with gay abandon! Every time you had a drag on it there was a hint of trepidation about whether you'd get a dollop of hot juice on your tongue!! It became a bit like Russian Roulette - so sufficiently narked by this I recoiled and rewicked them myself.These are very easy to recoil - much easier than a vivi -- so over the next several hours I tried various wick set-ups - 2mm + 2mm "flavour" wick - 2x1mm = varying number of "flavour" wicks etc... etc.. - tight coils - loose coil - just right coils -- you get the idea.

No matter what I tried this thing kept spitting and popping juice right into the mouth randomly and eventually flooding the base of the atomiser and leaking juice out of the 510 connector intake holes. No matter what I tried set-up wise it just kept over-wicking and spitting juice into the mouth - when you analyse the small diameter tube and the set-up it seems quite difficult to get juice to be spurted into the mouth through the channels and then the drip tip but this thing managed it with ease. Now I've been rewicking/coiling vivi's and Kangers for months now with no hassles so this was infuriating me as I was doing everything by the book here - frustrated by now I left it for a few days and came back to try re-evaluating it again this morning - Again I've been through various combinations of wick setups and without fail it spat that juice right in the mouth and leaked out the base. Also started getting inconsistent connectivity - on the madvapes meter it read the resistance fine - assembled it in the tank and then it read open circuit.

Summary - good job it was cheap because it's now been consigned to the bin! Sadly I found this atomiser to be about as reliable as a British Weather Forecast and only suitable if you prefer drinking your juice as opposed to vaporising it! . - I would not be able to honestly recommend this device to any prospective purchaser. Now maybe I received a dodgy one but I'm not gonna purchase another to find out!

Hopefully the Kanger pro tank will prove to be a better device - when they're available I'll be giving them a try but I'll never buy one of these things again! :(
I bought loads of cheap stuff and with the exception of the vivi novas, I was disappointed with all of them. I'm glad I got the killers now and just concentrate on new tanks for them.
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I got the VapeOnly having loved the eVod
My experience has been slightly different - loads of Vapour - OK flavour but no juice spitting - as long as i flick or wipe the condensation every 20-30 minutes.
I would have been happier with the VapeOnly had i not tried the eVod first - but still see it as a potential replacent of me Vivi Nova's as i can throw this around and won't get a gurgle.
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