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Vapeonly BCC Mega issue


Jul 13, 2012
Hi Got this yesterday, v happy at first; great VTF. However today I am getting a mouthful of juice when I inhale. Has anyone else experienced this? and how do I stop it?

Thank you.
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Happens to me too. You haven't refilled by any chance have you?

I wipe the top piece under the drip tip, blow through invade there's any stuck in the atty then do a couple of dry pulls.

If you are using the whistle top that came with it, these are a juice tardis, so make sure that's empty.

I then fire it without toking and see if it's behaving.

I do this 3 times in as many days and then fook it off and buy a shiney new carto ta.k fire a tenner :d

Easier to apologise for typo's this way, as my phone is not to the standard of my PV.

Priorities huh :D
Easier to apologise for typo's this way, as my phone is not to the standard of my PV.

Priorities huh :D

No need to apologies.

Tried it ,did a dry pull got a mouthful of juice!!! What a disappointing, think I'll get a refund. Shame I cant recommend this
I had high hopes too chief :(

I also find the instant I go a fraction of a volt too high my juice tastes of concentrated evil.

With great promise comes great disappointment.

But hey, 11 quid won't even buy 4 pints these days, and at least now we know :D
But Felix, you are soooooooo right!

That is the carto tank I bought, and it is f*cking awesome :)
A valid point without a doubt.

But I bought a ten pound tank from elsewhere and it was one tube, one carto, ten quid.

This one is two different sized tubes,
fill hole on the top thread, anchor/plinth to secure any 510 thread, non skirted carto, fire the same price. Different gravy purely IMVHO :)
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