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Vaping in the media


Dec 13, 2012
I'm not sure where to put this as their is no Media section, so chose here.
If any mods think it should be elsewhere, please move it.
Today on BBC Breakfast there was a piece about vaping and the forthcoming MHRA report.
It opened by showing people socialising in a cafe or pub, all vaping on cigalikes.
Short interviews and opinions were given.
A representative of the Royal College of Physicians said that if every UK smoker switched, that would save 3 million lives in the UK.
A BMA spokesperson said that they should be taken off the shelves instantly and only permitted after stingent medical testing.
The doctor who was a guest said that the problems were that there is no legal age limit si they can be sold to children, mentioned seeing 14 year olds vaping on a bus (of course they may have been vaping zero nicotine and anyway I'd rather vape than smoke) and that one big problem was that they looked like cigarettes. The interviewer said that they didn't have to look like cigarettes, interviewee said that's what smokers wanted and if they didn't want cigalikes they could use NRT.
VIP ecigs, RCP rep and interviewee all agreed that it should be illegal to sell to under 19s and that nicotine be tested for purity.
Well, at least the subject has reached the BBC, as the MHRA report comes long before any EU legislation, and it could be described as reasonably balanced. I wondered if the interviewer had at least researched vaping with his 'doesn't have to look like a cigarette' question, but it was dodged.
my sister mentioned this piece to me, and i have been trying to find it on iplayer etc, so thank you for the perfect summary.
I think the cig-a-likes almost create as many problems as they solve..but it is mainly public perception...they look like cigarettes. More news articles, more vaping in the media/public and once the critical mass has been reached a lot of these problems will go away. It needs to be seen as socially acceptable, and as long as it looks like smoking it wont be.

I wish i could make eliquid with green or blue or pink vapour (patent pending:-) thats MY idea:-)
Yeah - the article has been put in writing now: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-21406540

What worries me slightly is that they want to class them as medicinal... is there any other point to that other than to make more money...? By all means have the nicotine tested so that we don't end up with mixed impurities that could be hazardous, but the Food Standards Agency didn't exactly stop the contaminants in Findus "Beef" products, did they?! Why would more stringent testing procedures guarantee a safer product?
answer look here : price of what it cost to make 100mil]so they say] now find out whats in it bet answer should be £5 lol Ecigs are costing them ££££££££££

did you also notice in the report the age bit,no mention that every site or anyone who sells ecigs has a 18 warning, as for kids using them ,try well they nicked em off there parents same as they do with there fags....love that blame hint not!
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But what did do a great favour was this comment by a top doc:
If all the smokers in Britain stopped smoking cigarettes and started smoking e-cigarettes we would save 5 million deaths in people who are alive today”
Professor John Britton Royal College of Physicians
answer look here : price of what it cost to make 100mil]so they say] now find out whats in it bet answer should be £5 lol Ecigs are costing them ££££££££££

did you also notice in the report the age bit,no mention that every site or anyone who sells ecigs has a 18 warning, as for kids using them ,try well they nicked em off there parents same as they do with there fags....love that blame hint not!

and all that is perfectly safe cos everybody is getting their little cut out of it lol
answer look here : price of what it cost to make 100mil]so they say] now find out whats in it bet answer should be £5 lol Ecigs are costing them ££££££££££

did you also notice in the report the age bit,no mention that every site or anyone who sells ecigs has a 18 warning, as for kids using them ,try well they nicked em off there parents same as they do with there fags....love that blame hint not!

Nicorette nasal spray, each spray containing 0.5 mg nicotine. Nobody would use it for long, smoking is a lot cheaper. I'd also not want to inhale the stuff in this, far more dangerous than vaping. These are the ingredients:-
Methyl and propyl parahydroxybenzoate (preservatives), disodium edetate, disodium phosphate, sodium dihydroen phosphate, sodium chloride, citric acid, polysorbate 80, B-ionone and water.
[h=4]Active ingredients[/h] Nicotine
This is why we are lucky enough to have Doodlebug on our side, shes the brains behind it all and makes it clear that E-Cigs ARE regulated and under stricter rules and regulations THAN medicinal products :D

What concerns me is this bit
"I would either take them off the shelves or I would very heavily regulate them so that we know the contents of each e-cigarette were very fixed," says Dr Nathanson.
I wish that we could get a vaper who is used to cameras to appear on one of these programmes. One or more of the VTTV team maybe, or somebody like Clive Bates, or both?
They always have more 'antis' so the BBC should do something with more 'pros' to maintain neutrality.
I sent a comment about the article this morning to the BBC.

Personally I felt it was only slightly different to the Daily Mail and Marie Claire articles in that it did not use sensational language but was still fairly anti e-cigs.

The journalists continue to omit, deliberately or otherwise, the plethora of research-based evidence that is now available in support of electronic cigarettes.

They also omit the personal triumphs from Joe Bloggs on the street. They omit the easily accessed figures on success rates that can stand proudly beside fail rates for NRT.

They continue to suggest that by seeing someone use an electronic cigarette it will encourage some non-smokers to begin smoking.

They continue to suggest that electronic cigarettes require legislative control far and above more dangerous products that we can easily purchase.

It all sounds so similar from so many different media sites, one does begin to wonder if they are all just reading from the same page.

I will now step down from my soapbox :12:
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