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Vaping in the media

This is why we are lucky enough to have Doodlebug on our side, shes the brains behind it all and makes it clear that E-Cigs ARE regulated and under stricter rules and regulations THAN medicinal products :D

What concerns me is this bit

Somebody did a search for who owns the BMA, and I don't know if the ultimate owner is the tobacco company or another with the same name, Gallaghers.
Until then I hadn't realised that the BMA was a private company.

As this was on the BBC and the BBC is suppossed to give a balanced view, even a right of reply to cowboy tradesmen, I'd have thought theor charter would require them to allow the positive research to be presented.

The BMA spokesperson talked about taking all ecigs off the shelves until more data was available, but it is a fact for all medicines that problems or otherwise only appear after said medicine has been in general use for some time so that studies can be made of many thousands.
That's why some are taken off the market after licensing because they kill too many people.

Regarding sale to under-18s, they should have mentioned the voluntary code, although that is likely to be obeyed by corner stores in the same way as the law on selling cigarettes is... some shops ignore it.
I only caught the second half of the article this morning. I did have to chuckle when they showed the woman vaping at her desk and then pointed out that in happened even in th offices at the bbc! If nothing else vaping could save companies money as their workers wouldn't be running off having smoke breaks :D it's improving health, productivity, small buisiness start ups and potentially could help our ailing high streets-everyone's a winner (except those with a financial interest in keeping us hooked on the stinkies!).
If you want to know why Pharma are doing everything they can to get rid of E-Cigs, look no further than this item:

Nicorette Nasal Spray - 10ml

Nicorette Nasal Spray helps overcome your urge to smoke.
10ml nasal spray solution containing 10mg/ml nicotine.
It delivers approximately 200 sprays, each containing 0.5mg of nicotine.
See details below. Always read the label.

Suitable For

For adults and children 12 years and over.
Always read the label.

Active ingredients


10 ML | £214.90 per 100ML

Read that bottom line: £214.90 Per 100ML

Would you par £214 for 100ml of your favourite juice?
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If you want to know why Pharma are doing everything they can to get rid of E-Cigs, look no further than this item:

Nicorette Nasal Spray - 10ml

Nicorette Nasal Spray helps overcome your urge to smoke.
10ml nasal spray solution containing 10mg/ml nicotine.
It delivers approximately 200 sprays, each containing 0.5mg of nicotine.
See details below. Always read the label.

Suitable For

For adults and children 12 years and over.
Always read the label.

Active ingredients


10 ML | £214.90 per 100ML

Read that bottom line: £214.90 Per 100ML

Would you par £214 for 100ml of your favourite juice?

Lol, I understand your sentiments in relation to the cost, but that is not my main concern in relation to this discussion, but the one where they want to put NRT in a different catergory to that of vaping, and move the goalposts even further.

The issue that the BMA are taking the moral high ground based on age, and stress that vaping products are not sold to under 19's. Whether you agree with this or not, the statement for the Nicorette above stresses its suitable for age 12 and over. This highlights just one of a many areas of inconsistency with the whole argument. For a level playing field, this should be age restricted too.

I am going to do a little test at the end of the week, and will video it. I wonder if a national chain of chemists will sell a NRT to a girl of 15, and then lets see if the same girl can purchase vaping products from a shop!!
Somebody did a search for who owns the BMA, and I don't know if the ultimate owner is the tobacco company or another with the same name, Gallaghers. Until then I hadn't realised that the BMA was a private company.

Anna - with regard to the "Gallagher" association - the BMA has association with "Heath Lambert", an insurance company, in connection with BMA Services. Heath Lambert are part of "Gallagher Heath" - another insurance company. (Reference)

When reading BMA statements, I always think of one thing - the BMA is the UK's registered union for doctors (reference)- they look after the interests of doctors. I personally couldn't care less what their views are - especially their concerns over vaping "looking" like smoking - which, in my opinion is like them saying Lemonade Shandy should be removed from sale because it looks like beer. For an organisation one would assume is formed of intelligent individuals, they certainly come across as ignorant at best when issuing statements like that.

I have more interest in what the Royal College of Physicians and the various heart and lung associations have to say as they are representative of doctors of specific disciplines with a clinical interest in the effects of vaping - both positive and negative - on the patients they treat on a daily basis, rather than a union for the majority.

I'm sure the BMA does a lot of good work for it's members and also indirectly in society through it's research and project funding - but it is a union at the end of the day, and should be regarded as such when reading what they have to say, in my humble opinion.
mentioned seeing 14 year olds vaping on a bus

Maybe im just been cynical, but all I see in all of this, is a way for the goverment to regulate vaping, in order to tax the a**e out of it.
Maybe im just been cynical, but all I see in all of this, is a way for the goverment to regulate vaping, in order to tax the a**e out of it.

Now lets be honest, this is what it is all about. History shows us this. Whilst the Government spout that we should all give up our dependancy on Nicotine, as we are a drain on the NHS. Now I always believed that the tax on smoking products more than paid for the NHS, so in actual fact, If we all did what the government said, what would happen, who would then fund things like the NHS??!!

When the channel tunnel was finally complete and open, we got an insurge of 'duty free' tobacco products. We all knew a 'dodgy dave' or 'knockoff nigel' with their white transit vans, selling duty free tobacco. Now what was the difference between the tobacco that was procured in the pub or bought from a newsagents, simply the duty. Slowly but surely duty free has been clamped down on, and the latest plight the government faces is the popularity that ecigs are gaining. I have seen this more than once today alone, and find it remarkable that the government are happy with me smoking complete with carcinogenics, and burdening the NHS, than attempt to improve my health in other ways, and so the vicious circle begins again!
Now lets be honest, this is what it is all about. History shows us this. Whilst the Government spout that we should all give up our dependancy on Nicotine, as we are a drain on the NHS. Now I always believed that the tax on smoking products more than paid for the NHS, so in actual fact, If we all did what the government said, what would happen, who would then fund things like the NHS??!!

When the channel tunnel was finally complete and open, we got an insurge of 'duty free' tobacco products. We all knew a 'dodgy dave' or 'knockoff nigel' with their white transit vans, selling duty free tobacco. Now what was the difference between the tobacco that was procured in the pub or bought from a newsagents, simply the duty. Slowly but surely duty free has been clamped down on, and the latest plight the government faces is the popularity that ecigs are gaining. I have seen this more than once today alone, and find it remarkable that the government are happy with me smoking complete with carcinogenics, and burdening the NHS, than attempt to improve my health in other ways, and so the vicious circle begins again!

Due to clamping down on cigarette imports from Europe plus rising duty in all EU countries, most cigarettes bought 'down the pub' are smuggled in by crooks from China.
I accidentally bought one of the fake packs once. They tasted disgusting, laden with chemicals, and I threw the pack away!
So the more tax and more regulation, the less the tax received, the more crime and the greater risk to health.

You'd have thought they'd have learned by now!
I cant believe that they can even consider giving bad PR to e-cigs while they still continue to talk about legalizing cannabis!..contradictory!...Lets face a simple fact that Cameron and Clegg cant ignore...they have continously talked about outlawing smoking but have done nothing about it...sanctioning e-cigs can outlaw real tobacco for them!...UKIP have spoke up about e-cigs in a positive light...when elections come up if every vaper voted UKIP (coming up for 1 million of us)..then we could help UKIP take some important tory/liberal seats..that will hurt the government.....Cameron/Clegg must be aware of this....not to mention the amount of people that work in the e-cig industry...mass redundancies due to the BMA's opinion alone?...More damage to the government!..and the economy...or perhaps that will be offset by the huge amounts of corporation tax that British American Tobacco pay to the government!...what will be will be but I for one will be lobbying my local MP....hell I have a lot of experience at corporate level before I joined this industry so may just stand as an independant myself, just to give a voice in parliement!...Cameron/Clegg and previous governments since Thatcher have continued to coast along and fail the people..time to make a stand!!!!!
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