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Vaping progression?


Aug 14, 2014
Hi fellow vapers I've only been vaping a few months just thought I'd see what people's vape progression was like see if mine is kinda similar,left to right- blu cigalike,vamo v5,stingray black and now I'm onto the sigelei 100w which arrived today curtesy of myepack,rda' zenith v2 then fogger v4 and plume veil just ordered last week,got a kraken clone on order from ft ImageUploadedByPlanet of the Vapes1413386947.913752.jpg

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Lol - my progression is now wiped out - I swap, give away and chuck out my old stuff.

Suffice to say - vaping in progress
I started with a cheapo clearomiser and ego, moved to a vaporshark ego with aspire bdc tank, upgraded to nautilus, added a nemmy, and now onto a kayfun...

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i started(7mnths ago) with an mvp2 and some evods......
I'm planning to move onto an mvp3 ....with the same evods
Couple of years ago with e-lites absolute waste of time , then i had an ego style e-cig which broke and that was it till this year .

Earlier this year bought another ego> spinner battery > mech mods/rda'/rba's>regulated 50w box mod . I also mix my own juices mostly and buy a few other ones i want to try .

At the moment i can't really see another step to be taken 50w is more than ample so i'm actually going to buy another spinner battery for out and about carrying box mods ,rda's and juice around isn't fun for me .
started feb 2013 double ego ce5 kit ..not for long as i ordered my first chinese takeaway a vamo v2 .it was mostly feeding power to those cheapo vivi nova watsits ...ummm felt the urge for a mech .first toe in the water pretty shitty kts+ pinky firing mod .with protanks ...hello shinyitis ...chi you s/s.launcher v2 s/s.nemesis s/s. nice m16 s/s and brass "courtesy of @oddjob...now a rather lovely akuma courtesy of @Danny K ..along with the mech mods came rda`s omega clone .patriot clone .magma ..copper tobh should arrive tomorrow..and kayfun clones in many guises ..nano/ pmma /steel tank .brief failed encounter with a fogger v2 "not for me" ..oh nearly forgot the quite lovely "ITHAKA" dont get out the box much now tho ...


and the next progression ..home made eliquid ..just ordered some HEISENBERG concentrate from vamp vape
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I started with an ego a few days later started searching around, bought an SVD and taifun GT,then a vamo v5, then a chi you + nemesis with a KFL+ then a rose v2 and stingray X getting the itch for a box mod, but still researching. I was going to go with a 50w device but i'm currently holding out for more info on the dna 40 as I want to get into drippers (good for testing my diy juice). i've been vaping for 4 months roughly and started my DIY mixing a few weeks back too.
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lol I forgot to add that I also got into mixing my own juice as was getting fed up paying up to £5 a go for 10ml

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uninformed and clueless ===> more informed and still learning ===> something more interesting
Mine looks something like this, thought to be fair all bar the eGo/CE4 still get used

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