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Various Different Claptons Spitting


Mar 8, 2016
Ok guys so everytime i build anything other than a simple Ni80 24awg round or flatwire build 2.5mm/3mm in my GOON it seems like a 26/32 clapton or staggered staple or alien builds all been 2.5mm/3mm 4-6 wraps spit and throw molten eliquid in my mouth and has now burnt my mouth which stings like a absolute BITCH now this only seems to be in the GOON which i can't fathom why.

I've tried so many different types of wicks Bacon, Muji, FiberFreaks and Koh Den Doh using different methods and all in various different sizes tight, loose and what i believe to be just right!
Now ive been rebuilding pretty much the last 9 months using various wires claptons, flatwires and making my own claptons in all my other RDAs kennedy, 2 tsunamis, hadaly, madhatter v2, maze v2, and narda and ive never had spit back at all or if i did it was minor.

I know its me as with my ni80 builds im getting great flavour and no spitback.
I've watched numerous videos on the net and im building exactly the same as these videos but its all hiss and spit and cracking like a bomb sometimes ive tried various different power low watts high watts and OTT wattages but nothing works.

I know your gonna say just use Ni80 or normal round wire builds if that whats been working for me. But i have all these various spools of wire that seem to work for everyone one else bar me.

Any help or pics of builds WATT power or WATT wires or pre built claptons etc as im at my WICKS end [emoji6] [emoji23]
Turn it up cuz. [emoji4]

Dunno what you've got the airflow set at but the Goon likes power. Lots of it. I'm wagering your coils aren't getting warm enough.

Or, you've been a bit shy on the wicking maybe? Coil position is key with the Goon too- you wanna be looking at the bottom half of your coils through your airflow.

As a guide I've got the LA Goon on the go at the minute with a Flatwire build in. Comes in at .13 and it's just right at 120.

But I'd say it was the first option;
ImageUploadedByPlanet of the Vapes Forum1489236645.427029.jpg
Still spitting?
Yes sir thats the evil little build lol.
Im gonna rewick again when i get back from dinner. I think maybe i should drop a wrap and try 2.5mm instead of 3mm might help, or maybe im just being a sensitive little soldier today lol.
Yes sir thats the evil little build lol.
Im gonna rewick again when i get back from dinner. I think maybe i should drop a wrap and try 2.5mm instead of 3mm might help, or maybe im just being a sensitive little soldier today lol.


Are you using the standard tip on it?
Yes sir thats the evil little build lol.
Im gonna rewick again when i get back from dinner. I think maybe i should drop a wrap and try 2.5mm instead of 3mm might help, or maybe im just being a sensitive little soldier today lol.

suck it up pussy ;) , what juice you using?
I think it could be the way the goon is designed, quite short with a really wide drip tip causing you to notice the spitback with certain coils.

I find that some builds just are more spitty than others. For these I use them in a RDA that won't let my tongue get too abused by boiling hot juice lol. Any coil that has wicking properties, like any clapton, is what spits the most for me. Standard coils almost never do. I gather this is where the juice on the outside of the coil is heated and spits outwards.

I would say exactly what you thought people were going to say lol, and use what works well in the Goon for you. Use the other wire types in a different RDA you have if you really want to use them up.
Anti spit back Drip tips
Now-Vaping. Co. Uk
Just bought 3 myself to avoid the dreaded molten vape Juice tongue burn.
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