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Vendors: Paypal

It's only £20 a month for a proper merchant account with paypal so you can take credit card payments onsite. All you need is a decent ssl certificate. I've not had a lot of good things to say about Paypal previously but the merchant account guy I dealt with was several degrees of awesome. All widely used carts have modular payment methods it's not that hard.

So fair play, I think your grumble is warranted

Personally speaking I prefer Sagepay or Worldpay as integrated merchant accounts but PayPal has its use for convenience (until they decide on a whim, and on a totally dispute free account to put a 100% balance rolling reserve on your account as they have me, meaning I cannot access any of my funds to pay for new stock)

Sagepay and Worldpay take less money per transaction, the monthly fee's are about the same and the API is relatively decent to integrate (or buy a pre-existing) plugin. That is the way I am going when I get a chance, particularly after this rolling reserve bollocks.
I assumed if you had a business verified PP a/c then customers always had the option of paying by card and not having to have or use a PP a/c themselves to do so.

We're looking at adding more payment methods soon probably a proper merchant a/c thingy so we can do chip/pin and all that jazz. Specifically excluding paypal as a payment option does seem a bit 'dumb'.

We use shopify as the s/w our shop runs with and they are roling out their own payment gateway though I'd rather get a bespoke site managed by the web design people that live across the road from us and do everything properly soon.
Personally speaking I prefer Sagepay or Worldpay as integrated merchant accounts but PayPal has its use for convenience (until they decide on a whim, and on a totally dispute free account to put a 100% balance rolling reserve on your account as they have me, meaning I cannot access any of my funds to pay for new stock)

Sagepay and Worldpay take less money per transaction, the monthly fee's are about the same and the API is relatively decent to integrate (or buy a pre-existing) plugin. That is the way I am going when I get a chance, particularly after this rolling reserve bollocks.

They tried that with me, it sounds like you got one of the robots in the department I was dealing with initially before someone from merchant services sorted all that out.

100% on a 30 day rolling reserve right?

I seem to remember checking out sagepay and world pay and I'm sure one of them wouldn't give me a merchant account as my business was ecig related. The other one wanted a 20% reserve on payments for a period of time.

That's when I got a merchant acc at nochex but they aren't very good so adios.
VaperCaper They have the option but it's not massively easy to find.

Payment modules are available using the REST API that will let you accept cards in an iframe I believe with just a business acc
I assumed if you had a business verified PP a/c then customers always had the option of paying by card and not having to have or use a PP a/c themselves to do so.

We're looking at adding more payment methods soon probably a proper merchant a/c thingy so we can do chip/pin and all that jazz. Specifically excluding paypal as a payment option does seem a bit 'dumb'.

We use shopify as the s/w our shop runs with and they are roling out their own payment gateway though I'd rather get a bespoke site managed by the web design people that live across the road from us and do everything properly soon.

They only have to sign up to Paypal they dont need to deposit anything.
Maybe but your selling Vaping equipment or DIY they cant ban DIY.
The US are only pissed as they cant control how much tax they can put on it.
They tried that with me, it sounds like you got one of the robots in the department I was dealing with initially before someone from merchant services sorted all that out.

100% on a 30 day rolling reserve right?

I seem to remember checking out sagepay and world pay and I'm sure one of them wouldn't give me a merchant account as my business was ecig related. The other one wanted a 20% reserve on payments for a period of time.

That's when I got a merchant acc at nochex but they aren't very good so adios.
@VaperCaper They have the option but it's not massively easy to find.

Payment modules are available using the REST API that will let you accept cards in an iframe I believe with just a business acc

yeah 100% rolling 30 days of pure financially crippling reserve. I wouldnt mind but I have had a business account with them for 12 years with not so much as a complaint let alone chargeback or dispute so I see no reason for it. I have found out that is a result of adding paypal Here to my account which I mistakenly thought would be a good thing for the business as it is a decent mobile virtual terminal (phone app takes cards too - awesome)

I won't recommend it to anyone though as a result of this.
I do understand the need for companies to place reserves on new businesses or those that have risky trading patterns too, but when a business is as small as mine at the moment it really is a case of working hand to mouth with stock control and these things are potential business killers.
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