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Review Vern's Vapes

no pleeeeaaaseeeeeeeeeee not him.

OK, my hands, let me sort this out. I do long finger nails because I dont bite them, my bnrother does, he is older than me and I always looked at his hands and thought "yuck". So they grow and then I cut them, then they grow and I cut them, wtf am I meant to do???? lol. I also play guitar, so some long fingernails helps because I finger pick an awful lot.

One of my first videos my nails were a bit long, even I thought so, and some chaps on yourtube thought, after all that effort I went through to make the video and talk to them that the best they could do was "your nails are gross", when actually, for a girl, they wouldve been stunning! So I made a joke I was a girl and herewith the legend started...from youtube to ukvapers to fasttech...is this a boy...is this a girl...?? rumours spread of my internet fame, and discussions were held in dark rooms? Is it Veronica or Laverne?

I thought this was a tad bit humorous, so now I dont appear on camera. Maybe I will one day, but for now I am happy to perpetuate the myth of that guy girl with the long nails. Pah, haters gonna hate.

This is me

hyped to death, didnt deliver. Wouldnt have minded nicking one of those posters at the bus stops though, they were awesome. Except I'm not a thief
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