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Voopoo Drag what batteries?

Crap...I've got 2x LG HG2's in my Drag powering a TFV12 at 140W (70W per cell). Is this out of the safe load for this battery? I've been running 140W in a 2 cell mod with these LG's for a while now.

They should be fine mate, 50W was a pretty conservative number which is why I said at least. Mooch told me most of the time HG2's and 30Q's are fine for even as far as 75W per battery.

As long as you aren't really, really chain vaping hard things will be OK. If you ever notice the batteries getting too warm from this, give them a rest for a while, and if you need to get something like the VTC5A. The HG2's are good batteries though, and it is very hard to actually come to harm using a regulated mod pushing batteries too far.
The voltage just collapses if you do and you get a low battery warning and the mod won't fire or will reduce power.

EDIT: To be clear, I am not suggesting for everyone to just forget battery safety and go mental, vaping at super high wattages over a cells CDR. Just that with good batteries in good condition, you are pretty safe.
They should be fine mate, 50W was a pretty conservative number which is why I said at least. Mooch told me most of the time HG2's and 30Q's are fine for even as far as 75W per battery.

As long as you aren't really, really chain vaping hard things will be OK. If you ever notice the batteries getting too warm from this, give them a rest for a while, and if you need to get something like the VTC5A. The HG2's are good batteries though.

Thanks for the reply mate. I've actually just got into using RBA/RTA decks which all seem to need less wattage so I'm down to around 80-90 watts now on a 2 cell mod. And yeah I definitely can't complain about these batteries. I've just re-wrapped them as they were starting to get a little tatty and now they're as good as new.
Thanks for the reply mate. I've actually just got into using RBA/RTA decks which all seem to need less wattage so I'm down to around 80-90 watts now on a 2 cell mod. And yeah I definitely can't complain about these batteries. I've just re-wrapped them as they were starting to get a little tatty and now they're as good as new.
No problem mate.

I always am using RTA's or RDA's myself, what are you using at the moment?

It's good that you rewrapped them, any nicks or cuts always rewrap before you use them again. I have a lot of batteries, but loads of them have been rewrapped. I even still have my first married set of 18650's, which were blue 25R's from a few years ago. They still hold a good charge, but now are yellow.
No problem mate.

I always am using RTA's or RDA's myself, what are you using at the moment?

It's good that you rewrapped them, any nicks or cuts always rewrap before you use them again. I have a lot of batteries, but loads of them have been rewrapped. I even still have my first married set of 18650's, which were blue 25R's from a few years ago. They still hold a good charge, but now are yellow.

Yeah this whole using decks and coiling yourself is pretty addictive when you get into it all.

Well I started out just using the SMOK TFV8 RBA's, then got some Cigpet RTA decks for my Cigpet Eco 12 and SMOK TFV12 tanks. And now I have a couple of the SMOK V12 RBA-T decks and an iJoy V12 RT6 deck for the Maxo V12 tank, which I'm in the process of putting wire in haha. I'm sure I'll get into RDA stuff before long lol.

Yeah I've gathered up 10 HG2 batteries now and some had gathered a few nicks from placing into mods and chargers etc. I was actually going to throw them out until I seen they could be re-wrapped so I've saved a fair bit. I threw 2 out a few months back because of the covers being nicked...never knew then they could be saved.
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