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I'll try my very best! I may crap out accidentally tho!
I'll try my very best! I may crap out accidentally tho!

We'll all go on google hangout before hand and make silly faces to keep us awake, then while OS is DOING the interview, we will force him to stay on camera with us and we have to do everything we can to make him laugh or shit himself during the interview :P
Ill try cos i dont like missing out on stuff like this but I may be out tonight which can mean coming home fit for bed only!
We'll all go on google hangout before hand and make silly faces to keep us awake, then while OS is DOING the interview, we will force him to stay on camera with us and we have to do everything we can to make him laugh or shit himself during the interview :P

Ill actually be out till quite late watching reel big fish... This will either help or hinder the proceedings!

Ill actually be out till quite late watching reel big fish... This will either help or hinder the proceedings!

Borat Masks and Farty noises FTW!
I think it may be grounds for divorce if I join in! I think I'll just be providing tea (and making sure the kids don't wake up. If ever there were justification for Stafford Hospital taping a dummy in a child's mouth, it may be tonight (Joking! btw - please don't send social services round!)!).
Well that answers my FB question lol. You'll be ace tobinator :) btw you have a very different accent to what i was expecting.
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