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vv pulse bottle leaking


Apr 17, 2018
i keep opening up my vandy vape pulse mech to a sea of ejuice.
i belive the bottle is leaking from the 2 places i have put blue arrows
vv bottle.png
does anyone know a fix for this?
I've had similar issues, one was solved with a new bottle the other still leaks with a new bottle even when it's left unused, left in cupboard above the cooker so I did put that down to the heat expansion.

Now there's one of my Pulses I can't stop leaking, brand new bottle, pushes all the way up, all fine while using it, put it down only to find a pool of juice the next day - mystery to me as unless there's a vacuum in the bottle it's defying gravity and I can't pinpoint the leak.

I did try to strip the whole thing down but the switch is soldered.

Hopefully someone has an answer.
Squonking can be a leaky old sport. Seals wear quickly and tubing stretches.
I can only offer that I've found the best way to keep dry In the long run is to place some ptfe (plumbers tape)'around the bottle threads to create a leakproof seal and a small cable tie around the join between tube and 510. Then use a refil bottle when you can.
This may need replacing a few times but seeing that a bundle of small cable ties and a roll of ptfe tape.costs around two quid. It's not a major investment for a dry pocket and a mod that works.
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