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Vype Disposable E-Cigarette



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This is a personal review of a product I either bought or received free of charge. The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of this website, planetofthevapes.co.uk


Vendor - Vype http://uk.govype.com/
Price Paid - £1.49 shipping, Free when visiting this page http://uk.govype.com/tryvype RRP £6.99

I'll start with the Pros and Cons of this device.

Looks like a real CigNon-Child Proof packaging
Light like a real CigNo Flavour What so Ever
E-Liquid Made in the UKDevice Made In China
Vapour Production is OKNo Throat Hit at all

I received this through a FB message on their fan page for the purpose of going back to what a ciga like is and remember why I quit smoking.

As I have been vaping for over a year and a half now, looking like I am smoking, is THE LAST THING I WANT TO LOOK LIKE I AM DOING. I am no longer a smoker, so the design of this particular product does NOT appeal to me. I think the red glowing tip is silly and the fact that it looks JUST like a REAL cig, makes it even more a pain in the ass, for us vapers who have progressed from Cig A Likes onto better delivery systems for nicotine.

This particular product is designed to help smokers transition into vaping with relative ease, which by looks alone, it should do. As well as make people around you think that you are still smoking, even though you aren't.

That is about where the positives end for this.

As I have a small child in the house, the brightly coloured box immediately got his attention as soon as I took it out of the really expensive black bubble wrap packaging. "Whats that Mummy?" "An ECiggy little man" "Can I see?" "No Baby, it has nicotine in it and that can make you sick, this is a no touch" "Ok, but what is it?"

So I open the package and take the plastic wrap off of it. Surely the actual box has some kind of mechanism to prevent little fingers from getting inside it. Click, it opens, with ease and doesn't stop my little one from peering over my hands.

I removed it from the little box and while it is remarkably like a REAL cigarette, as it is light, has a filtered tip, and a red glowing end, my 4 yr old exclaims, "THATS A REAL CIGARETTE!"

"No baby, its an ecigy, it just looks real." "It doesn't look like yours, so its not." Oh the musings of a child. How right he is!

On first vape, I am shocked that vapour production is right on par with my mini protank kit. But that's another "where it stops" There is NO flavour. AT ALL. I mean, seriously? Water has more flavour than this. No throat hit either. And this is...according to the package 18.6mg of nicotine (4.5% v/v). So wheres the TH? Where's the fake ciggy taste which is supposed to keep me off of real cigs?

It doesn't exist. :(

Overall, using this for about a half an hour... all it has done is make me want a REAL cig out of sheer frustration. Visually it looks like the real deal, mentally, physically, emotionally, it just doesnt deliver. It's reminded me of the old comforts of smoking, having something between my fingers, being able to type and hold my cig in my mouth again... It's actually stirred up some deep set sub conscious identifiers.

I am sat here reminding myself... quitting smoking is HARD. It's supposed to be hard, thats why there's so much shit in cigs aside from nicotine that keep us addicted and going back for more. Smoking is just TOO EASY and this product replicates that easiness nearly perfectly, all its missing is the need for a lighter.

If this is what the market aims to provide current smokers who are looking to quit, they will be severely disappointed once the battery runs out on this, and duped into buying even more at prices nearly 100 times higher than what the current market can all ready offer (with a bit of research!)
So if you were a smoker and the vype was your first foray into vaping, would it get you off the analogues??

Also do you feel cheated at a price of £1.49??
Due to your review it made me inquisitive and I have just ordered the menthol one.... :)
i might as well add my thoughts here as mine arrived this morning.

one thing i did notice , that although not for me. i did think was a stroke of genius. they have wrapped the device in paper. so it looks like a genuine skin of a ciggy and not the plastic cover.

the case although not child proof does take some force , but is pretty ugly .

on the vape.

pros. its decent producer of vapor , and it feels nice and thick.

cons. i got menthol. theres no menthol.
no throat hit
did i mention no menthol ?

do i feel robbed at the price point? at £7 you bet your ass id be getting a refund.
at £1.49 im glad i tried it.

im glad i tried it because it has reinforced just how impressive the myriad of devices on the market are.
i mean even this cigalike , if it had some flavour would be alright. but for the price of two of these you could have a fantastic ego-twist kit. or for 3 of these. why not get a mini protank kit from myepack.

i can see why these are popular. its for those people who in my personal opinion are to shallow too be seen with something that looks different. they are the people who think image is more important to them than the severe health hazards of smoking. me personally. if i look like a tit vaping , well so be it. at least im a healthy tit. and who doesnt like a nice healthy tit right?


i must say @KulrMeStoopid raised a good point on something else as well.

the envelope these arrive in is phenomenal. it looks like it cost more than the device.
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So THAT'S what happened to the company that BAT bought! CNC bought by BAT in December last year. I wondered if they might come up with something unique - I guess the answer is no!
OMFG hahahahaha these are a fooking joke ."disclaimer these are my thoughts and not connected to this website in any way" absolutely no taste or throat hit at all ... i feel cheated out of the postage i paid FFS

EDIT :- as KULR mentioned posh packaging dont come cheap i spose lol
I agree with all above... I ordered one out of curiousity as I've never tried an e-cig or cigalike device before.
I ordered menthol, tastes of nothing but was still surprisingly better than I expected.
The plastic case??? WTF is that for? Does it do anything?

However, final thought?
Buy one for the envelope.. In fact... get everyone in your house to buy one, collect the envelopes and make them into fine Sunday hats for you all to wear about town.

Might as well add my 2 pence worth:

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