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Wall plugs for batteries


Oct 25, 2013
Hi I am confused, when I got my battery it said never plug it into the mains, yet I keep seeing wall plugs on ebay that don't have the battery with them, I have got loads of plug adapters that we use for our phones could I use them or not? Thanks:imstupid
What kind of battery charger are we talking about here?

The USB ones that say plug them into your PC? buy a 3pin to USB adapter and plug it into the wall. It's safer and you dont run the risk of destroying your computer
The type of wall plug that you get with your phone that uses the usb cable for charging. Is that what your asking ?
I use a surge protected one from Argos it as 2 usb connections on top with normal socket on the front. I did use my old phone plug without any problems so give it a go. Just don't leave it unattended and use a safe charging bag.
Check the power output of the wall plug. It should be 5v DC and 1A or less. If the output is more than 1A using it is not recommended.

The plugs we sell, we spent some time researching and the output on them is 5V DC 700mA. I have phone charger plugs that are 1.2A I've seen some that are 2A.

A means Amps and is the amount of current being sent to the charge cable if that current is too high then you could well end up with charging issues. Apart from the increased (although still very small) of the thing venting and catching fire charging a battery with too much current can significantly shorten it's lifespan and will mean you need to replace the battery more often, so using a mobile wall plug is not saving you money in the long run.

Whatever you do don't buy cheap wall plugs/charge cables etc from ebay/amazon. See this page. If it looks too good to be true, it definitely is as far as chargers go.
I will thanks, I did wonder so thought it best to ask first, I won't risk it with the other plugs I will stick with my pc for now :thankssign:
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