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WANTED : People to review some eliquids

Count me in for (written) reviews/testing. Quite a new vaper so. I can write from that point of view if you wish.
Yeah, go on then, why not?

Sorry to follow the trend, but due to a horrifically ugly mug and a squeaky voice, I won't be volunteering for a Youtube review either. However, I can guarantee a particularly verbose review, which may include words as long as (but not necessarily including the ACTUAL word):


As you can see, I know several long words, and am willing to learn others too.
I would love to review some e-liquids! I'm a professional writer (albeit songwriter, not e-liquid reviewer!) and enjoy few things more than to wax lyrical about all things vapeful.
Absolutely, I'm sure you'll find many willing participants ;)

I'm on a taste quest at the moment and would be happy to write a few paragraphs ;)
im in - il try anything once lol ........ maybe I shouldn't say that! ha :)
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