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Wattage question involving maths and physics

well it sort of clears up the confusion I had because I was thinking, what is the point of having a device that goes up to 220w when it appears I only need about a tenth of it... but now I see that the higher the coil, the less power so I am guessing people who want to use 220W will have a very tiny coil...
but anyway I don't have a big dick ... I'm female lol
I only wanted to know the right wattage so I could use the 1.2 coil and not waste it... so it looks like that could actually save me some battery life too... and probably juice by the sounds of it... win win
thanks for the advice!!
Ok, well as a generalisation, the thinner the wire, the higher the resistance and the thicker the wire the lower the resistance.

Think of resistance as the wire resisting the electricity running through it, trying to stop the electricity flowing. This will make the wire heat up.

Thin wire gives less space for the electrons to flow through, whereas thick wire allows the electrons lots of space.

The more resistance (thinner wire), the easier it is to heat up the wire (low wattage), but a smaller amount of wire is touching the cotton (less vapour), so it's more suitable for MTL.

The lower the resistance (thicker wire), the harder it is to make it heat up (higher wattage), but a larger amount of wire is touching the cotton (more vapour), so it's more suitable for DTL.

So MTL coils tend to be small, whereas DTL coils tend to be more chunky.
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I hope ye didnae vote for the lib dems. She’s no a good look for their new leader, she comes across a bit infantile.

Fear not.....I will not be swayed by posh flaps....I can and must resist ;)
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Getting back to your original question, you've shown a good understanding of the mathematics, but those calculations really only apply to mechs and rebuildables, and if there was any danger of overdoing the amps a regulated mod would (should) cut out.
Getting back to your original question, you've shown a good understanding of the mathematics, but those calculations really only apply to mechs and rebuildables, and if there was any danger of overdoing the amps a regulated mod would (should) cut out.

Aye....only if she does not go straight in at 84 watts on a 1.2ohm coil ...the amps might be fine ...but the poor coil;)
I started with MTL, currently trying out DTL, currently FTP and HTD :hmm:

Fuck the pope and Hold the Door? I take it I don't get that references??

However, karma for the BSc Rimmer quote!

The 1.2 won't taste the same as the 0.4. The difference will be like say season 4 and 5 Red Dwarf and season 7 or Back to Earth....
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