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Welcome ALL Squonkers!!

Afternoon all. So I caved in and I have just opened the can of worms that is Squonking and ordered my first squonkable thing. I got a fantastic price on a Dripbox so am just waiting for it to turn up now. I can hear the bank manager crying from 5 miles away.
Just ordered this from FT

2017-01-20 SXK KLS Style.jpg


and looking at these too


Let me know how you get on. That said it's gonna be a few weeks now isn't it.
I've hovered on this one for a while. If the inner airflow sleeve was opened at the bottom I'd have had it by now. But It just looks like the air comes in the top and back out the drip tip.

Chinese New Year will give me a chance to catch up ;)
The Rashomon is now in my basket :) I already have the Nalu, which looks good and isn't a bad vape really. Too big for the Pico Squeeze though :( How does the airflow on the SXK one work? Doesn't look like a Sapor type of blow, so I can't see how it'd be any good if it's straight out the suck hole. Guess you'll find out in a few weeks :)
The Rashomon is now in my basket :) I already have the Nalu, which looks good and isn't a bad vape really. Too big for the Pico Squeeze though :( How does the airflow on the SXK one work? Doesn't look like a Sapor type of blow, so I can't see how it'd be any good if it's straight out the suck hole. Guess you'll find out in a few weeks :)
Yes. When it comes will just have to suck it and see [emoji1]
Important squeeze update. I can confirm if your squeeze falls out of your pocket into the bath. As long as it's switched off. It does survive. I cannot confirm how it vapes underwater though as I pulled it out pretty quick. Undid the top cap as fast as my possibly explosive fingers could go and found the battery bone dry. A quick strip down. (Only removed bottle, rda battery cap, and magnetic clip.) Popped on the radiator for an hour and she was good to go.
Frikin lucky it was switched off.

Note to any idiots: Do not use in the bath you will damage yourself.
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