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Oct 1, 2013
@u8myufo Our newest member to all things shiny and expensive.Well I thought I would pop in a say hello after purchasing the Hole Hybrid the other day.Really pleased with it so far,a Hybrid was something I was thinking of getting at some point but thought it would be a cheap and cheerful job. I have always been one for a challenge,knowing something is possible but it may not happen straight away keeps my mind occupied, and like most blokes I enjoy tinkering and trying different ideas out to achieve something. As it stands this mod is no exeption,dual mesh coils! Ok,so I can build a single mesh coil for my RSST no problem,I can build a single one for this,no problem.But when I add the second one this is when I get a problem, I get a hot spot right on the tail of one of the coils leading up to the positive post.No amount of tinkering seems to have cured it yet so I have reverted back to a dual cotton.It seems odd it is only happening on the second build I put in, at first I thought I had not pulled the tails in tight enough,but then I look at the pic below and in comparison mine is looking as good as.I have double checked for any stray strand of wire touching where it should not be under a large magnifying glass and all looks good.So does anyone know where I might be going wrong with this build at all? If so I would appreciate some help.

Not my build.

Welcome to the world of nice things :)

I applaud your taking illeism to the next level by @tagging yourself... muppet :p
Welcome to the world of nice things :)

I applaud your taking illeism to the next level by @tagging yourself... muppet :p

After Googling "illeism" I realised I did something without knowing it. I feel better for doing that than buying the Mod now :D
hello @elitistbastard ( @u8myufo )
is the second problem coil the one furthest from the pos post by any chance ?

let me rephrase that the one furthest away from the picture ?
could the mesh be touching down somewhere ?

looks very nice BTW
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hello @elitistbastard ( @u8myufo )
is the second problem coil the one furthest from the pos post by any chance ?

let me rephrase that the one furthest away from the picture ?
could the mesh be touching down somewhere ?

looks very nice BTW

Hi you elitistfucker,you never bothered talking to me before and now all of a suddden you want to be my fucking friend,that sucks!! To be honest mate,if that was my build in the picture then it would have been the leading tail up the top left that was glowing, I can only assume I overlooked something here. I will have another go tomorrow morning when I will have more time and a bit of peace and quiet.
Hi you elitistfucker,you never bothered talking to me before and now all of a suddden you want to be my fucking friend,that sucks!! To be honest mate,if that was my build in the picture then it would have been the leading tail up the top left that was glowing, I can only assume I overlooked something here. I will have another go tomorrow morning when I will have more time and a bit of peace and quiet.

good idea peace and quiet needed to pulse out hotspots......that ceramic in top deck ?
I assume it s hence mesh not oxidised.
and no reason I didn't talk before is 'cause of that f~~kin witcher mod ;)
good idea peace and quiet needed to pulse out hotspots......that ceramic in top deck ?
I assume it s hence mesh not oxidised.
and no reason I didn't talk before is 'cause of that f~~kin witcher mod ;)

You aint gonna let me forget that fucker are you? :( Maybe I should have advertised it differently. Up for sale is the biggest piece of original shit I have ever owned,offers invited over £70 only.You have to admit though it fucking worked,I never sell broken items M8 :rules2: Yeh it is a ceramic deck,originaly I thought there might have been a stray wire touching the outside of the housing.I guess that just because the wire was glowing does not necessary mean that is where the short is.Probably the tail is the spot with the least ressistance so that is where all the power goes straight away.
You aint gonna let me forget that fucker are you? :( Maybe I should have advertised it differently. Up for sale is the biggest piece of original shit I have ever owned,offers invited over £70 only.You have to admit though it fucking worked,I never sell broken items M8 :rules2: Yeh it is a ceramic deck,originaly I thought there might have been a stray wire touching the outside of the housing.I guess that just because the wire was glowing does not necessary mean that is where the short is.Probably the tail is the spot with the least ressistance so that is where all the power goes straight away.

yeah me mate is happy with it. button smooth as silk after a polish (no pun intended) :)
yeah always the last loop nearest pos post fucks you up.......sometimes pull it in and it goes, sometime just prod it with 'driver.....
think I'd still torch mesh first though to give it a head start photo (know it's not your build) looks too shiny to me
yeah me mate is happy with it. button smooth as silk after a polish (no pun intended) :)
yeah always the last loop nearest pos post fucks you up.......sometimes pull it in and it goes, sometime just prod it with 'driver.....
think I'd still torch mesh first though to give it a head start photo (know it's not your build) looks too shiny to me

Cheers bud.Yes that does look a bit odd in that pic, I was going to contact the site and ask what mesh that was but I reckon like you say it has not been prepped, also it may have been overcooked on the sharpening in PP. When I did mine both pieces of rope had a good minute under the blowtorch,mesh was heated and dipped in water at least 6 times.Finaly after wrapping the mesh tight around the rope it was then heated up and dipped in VG a further 6 times,which is why I was a bit pissed when it failed.But like I say I love a challenge.
you'll get there looks a decent deck to build on how is it on cotton ?
have yet to have a successful cotton build on genny (dry hits) , but then I do like silica and mesh/rope Geordie Rob showed his cotton kraken build I've been meaning to try
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